Title: Blastin' Berry Cherry
Author: Mink
Rating: PG - wee!Chesters - Gen
Spoilers: General (for all aired episodes)
Disclaimers: SPN & characters are owned by their various creators.
Summary: Sammy drinks 100 metric tons of kool aid at 3AM & Dean considers euthanasia.
Blastin' Berry Cherry )
Comments 22
I agree with Dean on that one.
He is such a good brother, playing poker with a hopped-up, sugared Sammy.
as always fabulous details like sam's reaction to WWII info, and his choice in wild cards.
but this is my favorite bit: Every time those tiny pliers hit the closed circuit buzzer in the organ shaped slots it gave Dean a fucking heart attack.
so much love for wee!dean here.
*sighs happily*
Hmm... Have the Winchesters hunted the Kool-Aid Man yet? He only appears when a group of thirsty children call him... but why? What nefarious machiavellian ploy is this anthropomorphic drink pitcher advancing by letting children drink his sugary fluid... It's kind of like feeding them his blood... Hmmm....?
Heh, sorry. I just drank about 2 litres of Coke and have gone quite strange. :-D
Very cute fic! Operation is an evil, evil game. Also, I give Sam about a half-hour before the sugar crash knocks him out cold.
Anyhoo, childhood trauma aside, I'm glad you liked this fic! XD
So sweet - pardon the pun!
“It got batteries in it!”
Ha! that would be the only set in the universe that does! Either that or I was underprivileged.
Thanks for reading! ♥
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