jinkamoo wanted some action...
Title: Bang
Author: Mink
Rating: PG - Gen
Spoilers: General (for all aired episodes)
Disclaimers: SPN & characters are owned by their various creators.
Summary: Dean fondly recollects the Winchester arsenal as a phlegmy zombie loots the Impala's trunk.
Bang )
Comments 26
“That’s my cleanest, newest and unslimed Smith & Wesson-“
“Dean.” He moaned. “That’s my stuff.”
“Guess you only really need one windshield wiper.”
The Winchesters just couldn’t own nice things.
MWAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA!!!! *cough* That was some good writing. Keep it up ^_^
b. ew.
c. ew.
d. HEEE.
d2. much love for sam being distressed that the, uh, creature is going through his things, that dean has a special fondness for the fairly useless but very pretty ruger redhawk, that dean blames sam for his own brain fart, that sam nearly pukes from being spit on, that the swamp ick keeps getting referenced, and that it's not until the creature starts doing damage to his baby that dean really fights back.
e. have you read researchgrrrl's burning questions? in that case, it's dean hiding things in his pants.
b. ha!
c. yeah, that was kinda gross...
d. :D
d2. Thanks! Distressed!Sam & TolerantForOnlySoLong!Dean never get old to me. ♥
e. No, I haven't! Thank you for the link, I will certainly take a look....
The sound of the Ruger Redhawk was like hearing a long lost favorite on the radio - Oh Dean!
Dean could see his brother had taken on the green sickly cast of a glow in the dark sticker. - Oh Mink!
Glad ya dug it!
It is good to know zombi-dead guy won't be rooting anymore.
Sam: :/
Yes! This was a tale of gross violation and the pain of recovery...
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