[ Forward-Dated to the evening of September 15, Thursday, nearing twilight ]
[ The video turns on, and Miles looks concerned. It's just about nearing sunset in Goldenrod right now, the streetlights and store signs flickering to life, and the sky a deep red-orange overhead. He's alone. There is no sign of Ken Amada, but there is no comment on that.
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Also, Clover is going to bury all that worry under so much scolding and grumbling and this frowny face. But she'll give in to the worry later.]
I told you I was gonna come with you. But did you listen? Nooooooo. And now look what happened.
[An exasperated sigh. She leans back. The Roselia is a far more accurate epitome of worry.]
Hey, Pess, I think we're gonna need some space.
[She smiles, ruffles the Arcanine's mane, and gets to work with everyone else. When they're done, the nurses shuffle out of the room.
Then Clover will kick her boots off and flop onto the bed, followed by Ham (DON'T ASK, SEVEN NAMED HER) the Jigglypuff and Ares the Vulpix. Meanwhile, Striper and Arietis will stay near Pess.]
Man, I'm beat.
[What Miles doesn't know is that Clover may not be able to sleep tonight, even though she claims to be...well, beat.]
[But Clover doesn't get up. She keeps staring up at the ceiling while Ares and Ham snuggle closer to her.
Striper blinks at Pess.]
[Clover scoots a bit to make room for Ham and Ares, who are sound asleep in the blink of an eye. She sighs, undoing her pigtails and taking her headband off.
About half an hour or so later, she sits up, scowling in the dark.]
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