[ Forward-Dated to the evening of September 15, Thursday, nearing twilight ]
[ The video turns on, and Miles looks concerned. It's just about nearing sunset in Goldenrod right now, the streetlights and store signs flickering to life, and the sky a deep red-orange overhead. He's alone. There is no sign of Ken Amada, but there is no comment on that. He just looks concerned. ]
Has anybody seen a Mareep wandering around Goldenrod? An acquaintance of mine recently departed from Johto and left me it's Pokémon Ball with Nurse Joy, but it was empty.
[ He's walking as he speaks, but he doesn't seem to notice the yellowish blob of something fluffy approaching him from behind. The camera catches the Mareep in question (and it's a very mean-looking Mareep, mind you) sneaking up to his new trainer, but Miles is not even looking at the screen. ]
... If you see him, please tell me and don't go near him. I don't think it's sa--
[ The video ends here. ]
[ Twenty minutes later. ]
[ It takes a while for the noise to fade from the screen. When the feed clears up, Miles is sitting up on a bed in the Pokémon Center with an Espeon (an Espeon! The Eevee had evolved just a few minutes ago!) on his lap. His hair is singed and there are bandages--definitely not a pretty sight. He sounds very, very tired as he speaks again. ]
... I found him.
[ ooc: it is late in the evening, tags might take awhile ;; ]