Hiya all! It's about T minus 3 months (remember: the evening of Friday, March 19th to the morning of Sunday, March 21st) till we start up again with the con, so we're beginning to firm up our plans. While we're still hotel shopping and figuring out the room and con suite situation, it's getting time to know what numbers we're looking at. Remember, there are two options here: you can either come and we'll book you a space at the hotel, or you can come to the con but skip the whole sleeping there thing. Either way it's relatively informal, and if you only want to hang out some of the time and do your own thing at others it's fine. The only thing we ask is if you're doing the first (booking a room with us at group rates), you stay both nights so that there are fewer moving parts for us to juggle. Of course you are more than welcome to book your own room and stay for however long or short you'd like, but we can't guarantee rates for that situation and they won't be booked through us.
Right now we're looking at a con registration fee of $25. This will be paid by everyone attending the con, both those of you with rooms and those without. So far the best offerings we have for rooms depends. If we have 20 or fewer people staying at the hotel, we can get rooms at a max of $129 per night per four people a room. SO THAT WOULD BE $65 PER PERSON FOR THE WEEKEND TO STAY IN THE HOTEL. However, if we have more than 20 people, the current best offer is $179 per room per night, or $89.5 PER PERSON FOR THE WEEKEND TO STAY IN THE HOTEL.*
How many different ways can we emphasize things? Apparently a lot! :D
Anyway, we're still working on this, but this is the situation as it stands. Last year we had twenty people stay in the hotel, so we're hoping that we can keep costs low. BUT it would be best if you could answer this poll as if the higher fee is applying. We wouldn't want to have too many people and set up the >20 hotel fee only to have people back out because they budgeted for the lower cost.
SO (given all this finical blathering, and we promise that we're more interesting than this in person, we swear, come meet us!) please only answer this poll if you plan on coming to Minimerlin 2:Electric Bugaboo (the evening of Friday, March 19th to the morning of Sunday, March 21st!) and the only thing that's going to stop you is some sort of natural disaster**:
Poll Minimerlin 2010 EGGGGGCELENT!
We'll be in touch after the New Year with more details, so be sure to keep your eyes peeled! Please either leave a comment or contact us at itssonotmini@gmail.com if you have any questions.
*ETA: If you're wondering why it costs less for fewer people, please see
this comment for an explanation.
**read: This poll isn't binding (you can still pull out of either option) but it should be a good faith indication of your intent.