Title: Fever (part of a serie of drabbles inspired by Adam Lambert's songs)
Pairing: Yoosu, Jaemin
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Supernatural, horror
Lenght: Drabble
Summary: Hex town gets disturbed by the arrival of a stranger. Sequel/Off shot of
No trespassing (
Feverish )
Comments 24
I'm so freaked out by this awful situation in France. I hope you don't have anyone there love?
Is it really scary?
the though of captive humans being sexy food bags for vamps is so terrifying and perfect.
Would be a good horror movie plot, a really thrilling scary one.
No idea yet if they are that bad or not.
I've been to Paris four times. It's a beautiful city. The kind of violence that happened there could easily happen here.
Then there are tweets and Facebook links to other recent disasters/atrocities that the western press has ignored. Like coordinated suicide bombings just the night before in Beirut, Lebanon. Like not all that much coverage of the crash of the Russian jetliner in the Sinai.
I like your story. It's scary and chilling. Glad you are writing again. I do miss Junko.
/hands u a warm cup/
Come here, you need to warm up in body and mind.
Glad you liked the story. Scary and chilling? Yes, I am starting to see that. Didn't really notice it was that at first.
I miss Junko too.
I've been to Paris once. Want to visit again. Loved the city.
The news still sound unreal. And I can well believe there are lots of events being ignored.
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