No Adults: The Konohagakure Survivors [HSnJ/WWZ]

Mar 15, 2011 18:22

Table of Contents | 01: Sasuke

Title: 00: Prologue
Fandoms: hs_no_jutsu / World War Z
Characters: Max Brooks, Hoshigaki Kisame, Deidara, Uchiha Sasuke
Word Count: 568
Rating: G
Summary: Max Brooks visits a converted fortress of a high school to interview more survivors of the Zombie War.
Author's Notes: Not a continuation of HSnJ vs. Zombies, but rather that fic started the ball rolling. Which proves once again that those frelling plotbunnies need to be shot so I can finish the other two serials-in-progress. It's not necessary to have read World War Z by Max Brooks before reading this, but it might help. No spoilers for that book here, except that Mr. Brooks has a fictitious version of himself in the actual book. Not beta'd. The bolding is intentional.

 Redwood County, Minnesota, U.S.A.

I'm met at the doors by a large, hulking man with short blue-black hair, and a blonde woman whose bangs hung over her left eye so that it was obscured completely. It's winter, and both of them are wearing aged black robes patterned with white-outlined red clouds. I introduce myself to them, and show my credentials. The man studies me intensely as the woman scrutinizes my identifications. "He's good, yeah," she drawls, her bright green eye belying the casual words. The man nods. "This way."

The woman introduces herself as Deidara, and the man is Kisame. The Japanese names do not bother me. This town, Redwood City, had a very high concentration of Japanese families before the war.

We enter the building, a high school. The first story's windows are all boarded up. Metal sconces that on first glance look crude actually turn out to be works of art upon closer inspection space flickering light out evenly. Electricity is still slow in coming to this part of the country, but the people living here don't seem to mind. Compared to the other sieged camps I had seen, they looked to have done very well.

I also notice the woven rope netting that spans the ceiling. I comment on it, hoping to get a conversation started. Deidara grins widely, but says they'll get to that later.

The doors we pass are boarded up much like the windows. Some of the doors show somewhat recent signs of repair, and others simple reinforcement layers older than the repairs.

There aren't many people seen. Those we do pass move in pairs, faces serious, and sporting melee weapons. They wear robes similar to my escorts' except the robes are solid black. They give the three of us a quick once-over and plenty of room.

I'd heard of Konohagakure (Japanese for "village hidden in the leaves"), formerly Redwood City High School, from one of my previous interview subjects, a soldier who had been part of the great chain passing over the southern part of the country. The story he had told me was vaguely similar to the Battle of the Five Colleges, though on a smaller and admitted more successful scale. High school students, lead by an uncommonly wise senior who but for the Zombie War would have at the least been valedictorian upon graduation, fought without help through the entire war. I had been trying for months to get an interview with as many of the survivors as I could, and was only recently just permitted an audience.

We reach the school's auditorium, and my imagination runs wild with images of a medieval king holding court. All of the seats had long since been torn up. A cushion sits square in the middle of the stage. The lighting is dim; two medium-sized braziers flank the cushion. Standing behind the cushion, clad in the same robes as Deidara and Kisame, is a young man with short black hair and a very serious gaze. He stands quite regally and looks expectant.

Kisame hails him as "Mini-boss", and asks where "Boss" is. The young man replies that Itachi has gone out with the hunting party, and that I can converse with him in the meantime. My escorts leave, and the young man invites me over to share in the braziers' warmth.

His name, he says as I turn on my recorder, is Sasuke Uchiha.

00: Prologue | Table of Contents | 02: Sasori

character: max brooks, fandom! world war z, character: kisame hoshigaki, character: sasuke uchiha, arc: konohagakure survivors, *serial, character: deidara, *crossover, zombies, rpg: high school no jutsu

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