
Jul 31, 2005 17:31

Spike's definitely out of his comfort zone: gun under virtual lock and key (which means no clip loaded), lighter tucked away safely, and... he has no fucking idea what to expect ( Read more... )

beth, snow white, hotaru tomoe, millie, isaac of vale, spike spiegel, wade

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Comments 118

fairest1 August 1 2005, 00:35:12 UTC
*Snow heads over to his table, beaming. Millie and Wade, still a bit hyper from the birthday cake of the previous day give matching grins and waves to him*

Glad to have you, Spike. Are you sure you can handle this?

*from the tone, it's clear this is in jest, and she's pretty sure he can*


not_that_spike August 1 2005, 00:38:40 UTC
"Sure. Just tell me what I have to do."

Wade's not going to float away on me, is he?

"Because I have no fucking idea, Snow." He shoots her a small smile. "Good thing I learn fast." He reaches out and offers his hand to Millie; he knows her from before at least, even though Wade's been sleeping every time he's seen the little wind-baby.

Mental checklist: "Gun's not loaded, lighter's put away, Beth's going to be here sooner or later. What do I need to know?"


fairest1 August 1 2005, 00:44:48 UTC
*Snow smiles and passes Millie over first*

Millie's fairly easy to handle if you can keep track of where she is. It's all right if she feels like wandring around a bit, but don't let her go outside without you. Same goes for Wade, but there's at least an easier way to control it. . .

*she unclips Wade's tether from her belt and passes both it and Wade to Spike*

Wade can gust around and get out of reach a lot easier than Millie can, so the tether is a good thing, for now. He'll come back if you let him go for a flight around the lake or something, but the tether is best if you want to keep close track of him.

*she unshoulders a bag filled with various toys, games, diapers, bottles and snacks*

And pretty much everything you'll need is in here. They've had their dinner already, but I don't mind if they have a snack later.


not_that_spike August 1 2005, 00:51:35 UTC
Tethers. Wandering. Out of reach. Toys. Games. Snacks.


Fuck. Beth, where are you? He takes the tether and hooks it onto one of his belt loops, Millie in his other arm. "Hey you," he says to her softly. "Do I need to do anything for them for bedtime or anything?"

Millie's definitely heavier than the last time he held her, but she's still pretty damn cute as far as babies go. "Does Wade... does he like to be held?"

Spike Spiegel, famous bounty hunter and baby sitter. Great. He's about to remind himself that the only thing missing is the dog, but then he remembers that Millie can turn into a wolf. "Hey. What if Millie changes form, any hints?" He scratches the side of his head.

This is more complicated than setting up to catch the sneakiest bounty he's ever nabbed.

"So can they have shit like apple juice? Stuff like that?" He has no idea what babies like. Or what they like to do. He only knows that watching them makes people really, really tired.


valehero August 1 2005, 00:35:31 UTC
From his place at the bar, Isaac watches the dark haired man. There was something odd about him, but he just couldn't quite put his finger on it. He remains in silence, though, and unwavering in his seat at the bar stool.


not_that_spike August 1 2005, 00:43:46 UTC
He can always tell when he's being watched.


His eyes meet those of some kid at the bar, someone he hasn't seen here before.

It takes him about three seconds to get his gun and clip and load that clip into his gun from where they are now in separate jacket pockets: at least it would out there beyond the door, back in his own life. He might be a little slower about it now. But this is the bar and there's that no-business-no-violence rule, so he's not real worried about it.

Instead, he just watches the kid for a bit, knowing that he always has the knife tucked into the back of his waistband in case of emergencies.

Doesn't feel dangerous, though. Path of least resistance. Like water. He raises his iced coffee glass in the general direction of the bar then takes a sip, and his eyes never waver.


valehero August 1 2005, 00:47:32 UTC
Isaac continues to watch him. Though he does have his sword strapped to his back for quick access, he can only hope not to have to use it. As the dark haired man seems to show some form of odd greeting, he in turn bows his head towards him.


not_that_spike August 1 2005, 00:55:46 UTC
Hell of an odd little dance. What the fuck. He turns both hands palm up, the traditional gesture of innocence. Someone wants to watch him, there's not much he can do about it. So he lights a smoke and glances away, making note of something that catches his eye at the last minute: a sword.

He's used to swords.

He's beaten swords.

He probably won't have to here. Not if he minds his own business. There sure are a hell of a lot of strangers here these days.


forbiddensailor August 1 2005, 04:41:53 UTC
A moment after the sound of the front door being opened and shut again, comes the patter of a child running towards him. "ONIIISAN!!" she calls.

Out of breath, she stops right in front of him and without a moment of hesitation, places her hands flat on his lap so she can peer into his eyes. Satisfied with what she sees, (that it really is Spike!... His hair is the same color as Setsuna-mama's, more-or-less), she quickly breaks out into a grin and wraps him as much as she can, unabashfully, in a huge hug.


not_that_spike August 1 2005, 04:48:55 UTC
His first thought is what the fuck is this, why does every damn kid in this place think I'm fair game tonight?

This one throws herself at him and wraps her arms around him so fast he doesn't even see who it is. He only knows it's not Ed, and he pulls back. "What the..."

And then he looks at her. And recognizes her.

At least he thinks it's her, and he studies her carefully: she's... different. She's younger, for sure, and not as frail, and no bandages, and...



forbiddensailor August 1 2005, 04:55:23 UTC
Hotaru's eyes are wide after he pulls her off, but they were already running with tears before he did so.

"I missed you," she bites her lip, hoping nothing too drastic has changed about her or anyone else here while she was gone. It has been a long time.


not_that_spike August 1 2005, 05:01:51 UTC
Well, fuck.


Spike rests his hands on her shoulders, studying her carefully: up and down, back and forth. He lets his hands run down her arms and he doesn't feel any of that awful shit he used to feel under her clothes there, and she's littler, and she's pale but damn if she doesn't look a hell of a lot healthier, and...

Fuck. You were gone. You were gone.


He does something he never does: he gathers her back into a hug. It's not a huge hug and it doesn't last forever or any of that bullshit, but it's a hug.

"I thought you were gone."

Don't you be fucking around with me, now. Once was enough.


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