
Jul 31, 2005 17:31

Spike's definitely out of his comfort zone: gun under virtual lock and key (which means no clip loaded), lighter tucked away safely, and... he has no fucking idea what to expect ( Read more... )

beth, snow white, hotaru tomoe, millie, isaac of vale, spike spiegel, wade

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fairest1 August 1 2005, 00:35:12 UTC
*Snow heads over to his table, beaming. Millie and Wade, still a bit hyper from the birthday cake of the previous day give matching grins and waves to him*

Glad to have you, Spike. Are you sure you can handle this?

*from the tone, it's clear this is in jest, and she's pretty sure he can*


not_that_spike August 1 2005, 00:38:40 UTC
"Sure. Just tell me what I have to do."

Wade's not going to float away on me, is he?

"Because I have no fucking idea, Snow." He shoots her a small smile. "Good thing I learn fast." He reaches out and offers his hand to Millie; he knows her from before at least, even though Wade's been sleeping every time he's seen the little wind-baby.

Mental checklist: "Gun's not loaded, lighter's put away, Beth's going to be here sooner or later. What do I need to know?"


fairest1 August 1 2005, 00:44:48 UTC
*Snow smiles and passes Millie over first*

Millie's fairly easy to handle if you can keep track of where she is. It's all right if she feels like wandring around a bit, but don't let her go outside without you. Same goes for Wade, but there's at least an easier way to control it. . .

*she unclips Wade's tether from her belt and passes both it and Wade to Spike*

Wade can gust around and get out of reach a lot easier than Millie can, so the tether is a good thing, for now. He'll come back if you let him go for a flight around the lake or something, but the tether is best if you want to keep close track of him.

*she unshoulders a bag filled with various toys, games, diapers, bottles and snacks*

And pretty much everything you'll need is in here. They've had their dinner already, but I don't mind if they have a snack later.


not_that_spike August 1 2005, 00:51:35 UTC
Tethers. Wandering. Out of reach. Toys. Games. Snacks.


Fuck. Beth, where are you? He takes the tether and hooks it onto one of his belt loops, Millie in his other arm. "Hey you," he says to her softly. "Do I need to do anything for them for bedtime or anything?"

Millie's definitely heavier than the last time he held her, but she's still pretty damn cute as far as babies go. "Does Wade... does he like to be held?"

Spike Spiegel, famous bounty hunter and baby sitter. Great. He's about to remind himself that the only thing missing is the dog, but then he remembers that Millie can turn into a wolf. "Hey. What if Millie changes form, any hints?" He scratches the side of his head.

This is more complicated than setting up to catch the sneakiest bounty he's ever nabbed.

"So can they have shit like apple juice? Stuff like that?" He has no idea what babies like. Or what they like to do. He only knows that watching them makes people really, really tired.


fairest1 August 1 2005, 00:57:11 UTC
*Millie smiles at him*

Don't worry, I'll be back for them before their bedtime, but there's a couple blankets and pillows in the bag if they're tired and want a nap.

Wade likes to be held; he's not fully solid, but certainly solid enough that he won't slip away unless he's trying to.

If she shifts to wolf form, it should be all right -- we're trying to make sure she's comfortable in either form, and the same sort of bribes and threats will work on her; she has a taste for chocolate and wouldn't like an offer to feed her vegetable-based baby food. Apple juice is fine for Millie, and there's a bottle of 'special' milk in the bag, along with a container of nutrient-enriched air from Bar for Wade.


not_that_spike August 1 2005, 01:02:21 UTC
He shrugs. "Okay."

It sounds easy enough. Still, he likes to have a good feel for the odds before he gets into a situation, not after.

Millie nestles into his arm just a little, and that's kind of comforting: at least she's not screaming. Above his head, Wade's gusting around a tiny bit. He looks from one to the other, then back to Snow. "Should be fine. Go have fun. I won't let either of them get away. You don't mind if I teach them to shoot, do you?"

But he laughs. "Just kidding."


fairest1 August 1 2005, 01:06:22 UTC
*Snow gives an approving smile at how he handles the children*

I'm sure you'll get along fine, and I'd rather you wait for their fine motor and hand-eye skills to develop a bit more before teaching them to shoot. *she snickers at this*


not_that_spike August 1 2005, 01:12:50 UTC
"Yeah. I would never. Not till they're 4, 5." He bounces Millie on his knee just a little bit. "I'll take good care of them, and I won't even tell them the joke that goes so a bounty hunter, a wind-baby, and a little girl walk into a bar..."

He takes a sip of the iced coffee, glad he left the wait-rat with the instructions to keep refreshing it. "Couple hours till their bedtime, you think?" He's just trying to set a framework. He's never worn a watch. The one Joe left for him is up in Room 8, tucked away safely in a bureau drawer.

Spike just has a good sense for how long things ought to take. He looks down at Millie. Tell you stories about Bruce Lee and walking dogs and life in space and lava birds. And when Beth gets here, you might actually see me smile.


fairest1 August 1 2005, 01:17:08 UTC
*Snow gives a slight sigh*

At least they haven't learned enough words to repeat it. *a smile again* You'll have a few hours together before I come back for them, but it shouldn't be too long. I'm sure you'll do well.


not_that_spike August 1 2005, 01:20:10 UTC
"Okay." He nods to Snow. "We'll be good. Don't worry."

He almost can't wait to see what's in that magic bag of hers, anyhow. He can probably come up with plans for all of its contents.


fairest1 August 1 2005, 01:25:42 UTC
*Snow stands, running through a mental checklist to make sure she didn't forget anything, then pats Millie's hair and gives Wade's back a rub before stepping back*

Well, I'll be off now. Have a good time, and be good for Spike.

*she gives a last smile to them all before moving off*


not_that_spike August 1 2005, 01:33:13 UTC
He watches her leave.

Hell, I can do this. How hard can it be? He looks down at Millie. "Last time you gummed my jacket pretty good. Have at it."

Then he looks up at Wade. "Hey you. You've been sleeping every other time I saw you: I'm Spike, and I'm going to be your tour guide for the evening's program. You just let me know what you want me to do."

At the moment he looks pretty damn content just bobbing up and down there, but that could change any minute. Hell, kids are more volatile than bounties. More volatile than pets.

They're even more volatile than women with attitude. He knows he's probably in for a hell of an interesting night.


windbaby August 1 2005, 01:35:33 UTC
*Wade smiles down at him and drifts to a more conversation-appropriate level*



not_that_spike August 1 2005, 01:39:50 UTC

He considers the floating baby. He doesn't know what to do with him, but he considers him anyhow. He's actually kind of cute.

"Think we should see what goodies your mom left for us?" He reaches for the bag; Millie perks up a little bit when he brings it over.

He doesn't open it yet, though.

Gotta build the suspense. That bag and its contents are his only real ace in the pocket.


wolf_baby August 1 2005, 01:52:50 UTC
*Millie wriggles over to the bag. She can smell something chocolate in there, but that doesn't always mean she'll get some right away. . .*


not_that_spike August 1 2005, 01:58:54 UTC
He holds onto her, probably tighter than he needs to: he sure as hell doesn't want her falling. Not in his first five minutes in charge. "Hold on there, cowgirl. Let's open it up and take a look."

Spike makes a bigger deal out of opening it than he would normally, pulling out some clean diapers and setting those aside with an expression of mild panic. Reaching back in, he comes up with a couple dolls. One floats up to where Wade is and hovers near him; he gives the other to Millie. "This what you're looking for?"

He bets it isn't.


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