One Minute to Midnight (VH's world's time)

Mar 04, 2005 22:06

[picking up from HERE...]

Through the open bar door the loud chimes of the clock back in Van Helsing's time / world begin to strike...

Van Helsing-wolf has bitten Richard, been thumped on the nose with a knife by Faith and is being strangled by Angel. Nick and Natalie, as well as Windows 95 and Peter Wiggin are rushing over to help hold the ( Read more... )

angel (buffy), nick knight, peter wiggin, faith lehane, la croix, windows 95, van helsing, natalie lambert

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Comments 89

STRIKE ONE x_van_helsing_x March 5 2005, 03:24:39 UTC
[First Strike of Midnight on the Clock]


Re: STRIKE ONE eternal_boy March 5 2005, 03:28:30 UTC
Nick flies over at top speed, uncaring of anything but his friend and what he needs to do.

Thus he flies straight into the wolf's legs, knocking him over.


He looks around as he jumps up to hold the struggling wolf.



Re: STRIKE ONE broodinghero March 5 2005, 03:31:01 UTC
"On it." Angel looks up with a growl, own face vamped out. He adjusts his grip as the werewolf is now on his stomach, with Angel on top of him. He also shifts his weight, knee going into the creature's back.


Re: STRIKE ONE 95_tan March 5 2005, 03:33:07 UTC
A heavily bleeding OS joins the fray, latching onto the wolf's muzzle with her arms, silent and determined.


STRIKE TWO x_van_helsing_x March 5 2005, 03:42:20 UTC
[Second Strike of Midnight on the Clock]

Werewolf is mostly pinned, but he flails a bit and throws a couple people off.

{ooc: muns can pick who's been tossed and scramble back]


Re: STRIKE TWO eternal_boy March 5 2005, 03:45:45 UTC
Nick holds on, clamping the legs tightly, but stares with concern at those tossed off.

"Gabriel! GABRIEL, if there's anything of you still inside there, LET US HELP! Come on, Gabriel! You can do this!"


Re: STRIKE TWO broodinghero March 5 2005, 03:46:46 UTC
Angel leaves one arm around the neck and his other reaches out to hook around the wolf's arm.

"Tell me how you wanna play this, Nick."

It's good he doesn't know this is the guy he suspects of wanting Buffy.


Re: STRIKE TWO 95_tan March 5 2005, 03:50:28 UTC
95 goes flying for the second time that night, taking two handfuls of face-fur with her. She manages a rebound and landing that, while not graceful at all, at least end with her upright, not sprawled.


STRIKE THREE x_van_helsing_x March 5 2005, 04:01:00 UTC
[Third Strike of Midnight on the Clock]

Angry werewolf - flailing around - yelping - not having any fun at all. It sucks and people get tossed again. I think someone got caught by a sailing paw.


Re: STRIKE THREE eternal_boy March 5 2005, 04:02:50 UTC
Nick's head is ringing and his grip loosens enough to the point where he almost falls of...then he remembers who this is, his friend, and he steels in, clenching tight around the legs and snarling himself. He looks up to Angel.

"The plan is keep him immoblized until Natalie can inject the cure. Gabriel should turn back then."


Re: STRIKE THREE broodinghero March 5 2005, 04:05:59 UTC
"Got it." He nods at Nick then turns to look at Faith and...hello, ass of Faith right in the face.

"At least I get the best view." He notes to himself, though Faith probably hears it. He just holds on for now.


Re: STRIKE THREE 95_tan March 5 2005, 04:07:46 UTC
Aaaand she's back, refusing to take a hint from the wolfman. 95 latches on tighter than before on his muzzle, gritting her teeth and nearly sitting on his head.


STRIKE FOUR x_van_helsing_x March 5 2005, 04:19:06 UTC
[Fourth Strike of Midnight on the Clock]

You know the drill - angry werewolf, flailing, throwing of people, wriggling out of the bindings - only, not so much this time, he's getting tired - but not that tired - he rears up, growling toward the ceiling - ALL the people are off, but his forepaws are still bound...


Re: STRIKE FOUR eternal_boy March 5 2005, 04:22:47 UTC

And it takes quite a lot to make Nick curse, really, but getting kicked off by a raging werewolf right in the healing-chairleg-wound is probably right up there with things that could do it. It starts bleeding again, a few of the bones cracked but not broken and he snarls angrily before jumping on him again.

"Goddamn it, Gabriel. If you give me shit about your first name ever again after this...I'll smack you."


Re: STRIKE FOUR broodinghero March 5 2005, 04:27:07 UTC
"Damn but you're a persistant bugger aren't you." Angel shakes his head as he stands up and leaps again, hooking his arms through the werewolves.

"Who is this guy anyway?"


Re: STRIKE FOUR 95_tan March 5 2005, 04:29:47 UTC
She's getting used to it now. Like a pink pinball, 95 ricochets off the ceiling and tackles his face again.

"makenai yo," she growls.


STRIKE FIVE x_van_helsing_x March 5 2005, 04:25:45 UTC
[Fifth Strike of Midnight on the Clock]

Tired werewolf - werewolf getting tired - nips at heels, flings arms at heads... that kind of thing.


Re: STRIKE FIVE eternal_boy March 5 2005, 04:33:41 UTC
"He's my friend, Angel. And he's a good man. That's all you need to know!"

Because he knows Gabriel will hate himself for all this as soon as they get him fixed up...and the less people who know the name, the less people can spread it and make things worse.

Besides, Angel called him a "bugger" and he doesn't precisely like the whiny little young'un.


Re: STRIKE FIVE broodinghero March 5 2005, 04:38:27 UTC
But he hears Faith. "Wait this is the guy who was all over Buffy." he growls and tugs a little harder. He's helping the man out, yes, but screw being gentle about it.


Re: STRIKE FIVE 95_tan March 5 2005, 04:43:07 UTC
Her grip on the muzzle tightens further as he tries nipping. A grimace twists the formerly stoic visage as she fights pain and blood loss. She'd better hurry with the antidote, she thinks, or I won't be much help soon...


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