One Minute to Midnight (VH's world's time)

Mar 04, 2005 22:06

[picking up from HERE...]

Through the open bar door the loud chimes of the clock back in Van Helsing's time / world begin to strike...

Van Helsing-wolf has bitten Richard, been thumped on the nose with a knife by Faith and is being strangled by Angel. Nick and Natalie, as well as Windows 95 and Peter Wiggin are rushing over to help hold the ( Read more... )

angel (buffy), nick knight, peter wiggin, faith lehane, la croix, windows 95, van helsing, natalie lambert

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STRIKE FIVE x_van_helsing_x March 5 2005, 04:25:45 UTC
[Fifth Strike of Midnight on the Clock]

Tired werewolf - werewolf getting tired - nips at heels, flings arms at heads... that kind of thing.


Re: STRIKE FIVE eternal_boy March 5 2005, 04:33:41 UTC
"He's my friend, Angel. And he's a good man. That's all you need to know!"

Because he knows Gabriel will hate himself for all this as soon as they get him fixed up...and the less people who know the name, the less people can spread it and make things worse.

Besides, Angel called him a "bugger" and he doesn't precisely like the whiny little young'un.


Re: STRIKE FIVE broodinghero March 5 2005, 04:38:27 UTC
But he hears Faith. "Wait this is the guy who was all over Buffy." he growls and tugs a little harder. He's helping the man out, yes, but screw being gentle about it.


Re: STRIKE FIVE 95_tan March 5 2005, 04:43:07 UTC
Her grip on the muzzle tightens further as he tries nipping. A grimace twists the formerly stoic visage as she fights pain and blood loss. She'd better hurry with the antidote, she thinks, or I won't be much help soon...


Re: STRIKE FIVE morgue_matron March 5 2005, 04:45:19 UTC
Natalie walks over, them having gotten the wolf under control again...somewhat. As under control as possible.

"Okay, now, I've got it and I should be fine, just...keep him steady."


Re: STRIKE FIVE abtruse_wiggin March 5 2005, 04:47:52 UTC
Werewolf arm meet head, but Peter does not take this as a sign he should let go anytime soon. "You may want to hurry!" He tries not to say, but it slips out anyway. As if she didn't know.


Re: STRIKE FIVE faithful_slayer March 5 2005, 04:49:22 UTC
Faith controls the urge to snap at Angel for his rough treatment, settling instead for dodging a bite and making a mental note to thwap the vampire later. After a long bath. And a bottle or seven of Jack Daniels.


Re: STRIKE FIVE claire_hansen March 5 2005, 04:51:27 UTC
*Claire dodges flailing people, trying to get a power bond around some part -- any part -- of the werewolf, but she can't because there are too many people in the way*

Well, do you want him immobilized or not?


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