
Jul 01, 2011 11:43

Milliways is often host to a bevy of strange and unusual animals. From horses to talking turtles to trilobites to...flying bison ( Read more... )

melaka fray, malu, rose lalonde, rae "sunshine" seddon

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Comments 242

seeswitheyes July 1 2011, 15:58:23 UTC
Not far away, there is a girl of similar age observing his antics.


12goingon113 July 1 2011, 16:08:07 UTC
Sneak sneak sneak.
All he wants to do is catch and pet a hatchling. Is that so wrong?

Closer and closer he creeps.


seeswitheyes July 1 2011, 16:52:43 UTC
Their mother will certainly object, and the hatchling itself likely will as well, but Rose is a mere observer, as the researcher in the field. Perhaps she finds his antics entertaining, or at least distracting from her own troubles.

Or perhaps she is of the naturalist persuasion, interested more in the response of the turtleducks to a stalking predator.


12goingon113 July 1 2011, 16:55:15 UTC
He is all of one step away from being within arms reach of the turtleducks when...snap, a reed he didn't know was there breaks under his left foot.

Momma turtleduck turns on a dime, and lunges towards Aang...who just laughs and makes a dive for a hatchling anyway. The babies scatter, and Aang's momentum lands him in the lake with a mighty splash.


sunbaked_baker July 1 2011, 17:33:29 UTC
There are good smells coming from the kitchen of the bar. Cinnamon rolls and mysterious chocolate things. Rae tugs off her apron and hangs it on the hook beside the door before stepping out into the sunlight, stretching. Summer in pseudo-Scotland is cooler than in New Arcadia, but the sun is no less bright.

She's got twenty minutes before the cinnamon rolls will be ready to come out of the oven. Her daily run around the lake shore should be well-within that time.


Except that less than three minutes later, she suddenly comes across this hulking, ten-ton flying monster in her path, and skids to a startled stop. "What the-"


12goingon113 July 1 2011, 17:44:48 UTC
Appa snuffles on the ground and gets a big nosefull of DELICIOUS SMELLS coming from the direction of Rae. He lifts his head, sniffs again, and then lumbers towards her to investigate.

He's coming for you, Rae.


sunbaked_baker July 1 2011, 18:13:20 UTC
This'd be Rae backing up very quickly. She hadn't met anything dangerous out in the woods, apart from the occasional demon rabbit, but she supposes there's a first time for everything. Time to get out of here fast.

If only a contrary tree root (there's always a well-placed tree-root) hadn't caught her foot, tripping her. She goes down.


12goingon113 July 1 2011, 18:16:33 UTC
Appa continues his slow and methodical approach, until he is leaning directly over her. There's one more sizable sniff, before he opens his gigantic mouth....and licks her.

Is it a greeting? Or is it a warning of chewing to come?


slayer_fray July 1 2011, 18:43:43 UTC

So a few yards away, in both horizontal and vertical distance, Mel stops what she was doing (not a lot) and kicks her legs out from under her, dropping into a cross-legged position on hr skaterug.

And watches him.


12goingon113 July 1 2011, 18:49:42 UTC
The bison raises his giant head and keeps an eye on Mel, while the boy seems completely distracted by the turtleducks. Or rather, on trying to catch the turtleducks.

He's sneaking ever closer. Closer. Clooooooser.


slayer_fray July 1 2011, 18:52:53 UTC
Mel glances over at the six legged furry thing, and catches its eye.

Then she flicks her gaze to the kid, and back, jerking her head kidwards while raising a questioning eyebrow.

This thing yours?


12goingon113 July 1 2011, 18:55:24 UTC
He looks from Mel back to Aang, and then hrumphs.
Take that as you will.

Sneeeeeeak. Sneaksneak. A slight dodge around some of the drier reeds, and onward with sneaking.


ghostwitch July 1 2011, 22:57:09 UTC
Hope you don't mind, Appa, but there's a young girl about the same age as your master standing a few feet away from you, and she's staring unabashedly. Her expression is awed, not because she's never seen a sky bison before but she thought she'd never see one again.

The dog at her side doesn't share her feelings, however. The rottweiler/shepherd mix isn't sure just what to make of this beast; she just knows that he's bigger than she is.


12goingon113 July 1 2011, 23:29:23 UTC
Appa is unconcerned by the little tiny easily-smooshable dog. The airbending girl, however...
He lumbers his way over towards her.

Aang catches sight of Appa leaving his grazing area out of the corner of his eye. "Hey Appa, what's up? Where're you going?"

Then he sees her: The Air Nomad Girl...and he freezes.


ghostwitch July 1 2011, 23:43:04 UTC
Malu's breath hitches as the sky bison moves toward her, but a smile blossoms on her face.

"Hi there, big fella," she murmurs quietly, one hand raised in the air. So far she seems to have taken no notice of the Air Nomad boy. "How'd you get here?"


12goingon113 July 2 2011, 00:08:43 UTC
Appa sniffs at her hand. Then, when she's close enough, he opens his mouth and laps at her face with his giant sky bison tongue.

Aang...does not know what to make of this. Doesn't Appa know that they're on the run? That they can't be cavorting with Air Nomad girls, no matter how cute and unassuming they may be?!


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