
Feb 06, 2011 17:41

Today, his milkshake came with a little fortune cookie garnish hooked over its rim. As soon as he saw it, his eyes lit up, and he plucked it free of the mountain of whipped cream to crack it open.

Soon you will be sitting on top of the world, said the slip of paper inside ( Read more... )

moist von lipwig, the trickster (spn), kali, michael the archangel, jack sparrow

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Comments 119

theunsmiling February 6 2011, 22:56:03 UTC
Michael looks up, and up, and up.

Then she raises one eyebrow.

"That's an interesting seating arrangement you have there. I'm hoping you enjoy the view."

Her T-shirt seems comparatively appropriate to her current tone of voice.

Go figure.


changeinasnap February 6 2011, 23:04:14 UTC
"'Course I am!" he answers easily, and punctuates it with a long slurp of his milkshake. "You ever been up here? You can see forever."


theunsmiling February 6 2011, 23:08:01 UTC
Michael folds her arms across her chest, shifting her stance to something a little more hipshot.

It helps her keep her balance.

"Only if you're on LSD."


changeinasnap February 6 2011, 23:18:20 UTC
"That takes me back." Wistful, as he stares into the middle distance. "I spent the sixties in San Francisco. There were a lot of beads."

Good times, good times.


pirate_jack February 7 2011, 00:41:19 UTC
Beads clatter as the man below tilts his head to one side and peers upward -- with one hand kept prudently on his hat to keep it from falling off.

"Now that's interesting."


changeinasnap February 7 2011, 01:16:46 UTC
He leans over the edge of the chair in a way that -- were it not for the influences of the fortune cookie of the damned -- really looks like it ought to send him tumbling all twenty feet to the floor.


"Could say the same about you," he remarks, taking another cheery slurp of his drink. "What's your name?"

He kind of likes the cut of this guy's jib, from what little he's seen so far.


pirate_jack February 7 2011, 01:23:44 UTC
"The name's Sparrow," he returns. "Captain Jack Sparrow."

He appears to be eyeing the other man's rear-- no, no, it's definitely the globe-shaped chair.

"Not in the habit of sitting on things what look like that as a general rule, are you, mate?"


changeinasnap February 7 2011, 04:09:02 UTC
"Captain," he greets him, and flourishes a small seated bow. "I thought I'd try something new for once. First time for everything, right?"

Like getting duped by a freakin' fortune cookie. He really should've seen that coming.


morethanprops February 7 2011, 01:00:00 UTC
Moist is stretched out on a couch in a comfortable sweater with soup trying to feel better and blinks to make sure he's seeing what he is,

"How did you get up there?"


changeinasnap February 7 2011, 01:18:41 UTC
Oh, hey, it's that guy. Niiiice.

(There would be a few more i's in that comically elongated "nice" if he weren't, you know, stuck in the rafters.)

"I climbed up," he says, lounging back in the chair as best he can. A nonchalant shrug follows. "How'd you get down there?"


morethanprops February 7 2011, 01:21:54 UTC
"I sat down,"

He's not going to rise to his man's bait and tries to see what the round thing he's sitting on is.


changeinasnap February 7 2011, 04:13:20 UTC
But the bait's so tasty, Alfred.

"Gotcha. So we're in agreement that was a dumb question?" he inquires just as pleasantly.


forewarned_is February 7 2011, 04:04:16 UTC
"I have to ask."

Kali's seated on a rafter next to him, eyeing him with barely suppressed amusement.


changeinasnap February 7 2011, 04:14:20 UTC
"Yes," he says, very solemn. "Yes, it is strawberry."

He holds out the milkshake to her.


forewarned_is February 7 2011, 04:26:50 UTC
She snorts, and does not take the proffered milkshake; maybe because she's already got a drink in one hand, the same brilliant red as her blouse.

"Is it some trick in the works? I can't wait to see how it plays out."


changeinasnap February 10 2011, 04:03:56 UTC
He quirks an eyebrow, bringing the milkshake back for a long slurp.

"All I'm gonna say," he says, with the same cheerful eye-gleaming solemnity, "is that nobody ever looks up the first time they walk in here."


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