[First ever entrance, also known as Ask Jeeves! ...no, not really. :D]

May 17, 2009 20:59

Imagine if you will, the sparsely yet sumptuously decorated abode of a young member of the idle rich. A spacious sitting room containing pristinely polished wooden tables and meticulously buffed leather armchairs and so on and so forth ( Read more... )

inspector javert, momiji sohma, bertie wooster, tegid tathal, mia ausa

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Comments 39

the_old_bean May 17 2009, 19:44:25 UTC
Imagine, also, his surprise when he finds that not only is his employer awake (albeit not properly dressed, dressing gown tied loosely around his pajamas), he's also stepped into the bar after him.

"Steady on, Jeeves."

[ooc: XD!]


eligible_valet May 17 2009, 19:50:56 UTC
It is quite an obvious fact to those observing, but Jeeves (as is his name, indeed) will be taking a seat right about now. The tray is still in his hands, but which of the various deities frequenting Milliways is to thank for that, well, no one is the wiser right this moment.

"Very good, Sir," said not quite as steadily as per the usual. Baffled is just the tip of the iceberg, as one might say.


the_old_bean May 17 2009, 19:58:22 UTC
Bertie places a encouraging hand on Jeeves' shoulder and plucks a slice of toast from the tray.

"This place again, is it? It does turn up at the most dashed rum times."

Perhaps it may be comforting to Jeeves that his employer does not seem at all surprised to find a bar in his flat?


eligible_valet May 17 2009, 20:07:57 UTC
There simply is no end to the clash of cultures on Jeeves's part, but, it should be noted, he is most comforted by this show of confidence. Quite so that some of the colour returns to his face.

"I must confess I was not aware, Sir."


gorgonfondness May 17 2009, 20:29:56 UTC
"Wingardium leviosa!" says a nearby young lady, pointing at the tray.

Which is now floating.

"Are you all right?" she asks.

You know, aside from the fact that a tray is levitating in front of you and this is apparently normal. She's even checking to make sure nothing's spilled.


eligible_valet May 17 2009, 20:39:02 UTC
Wingardium Leviosa?

He's certain he never learned anything like that during his education. Or, rather, he would have the presence of mind to note such a thing if there weren't for the fact of his tray levitating.

Not normal. In fact, this is most abnormal. So abnormal that Jeeves is quite dumbfounded, blinking wide-eyed at the young woman.


gorgonfondness May 17 2009, 20:43:27 UTC
Trust us, this isn't even the most abnormal part. Fortunately, Mia is used to being a bit odd.

"Well, your tray seems to be okay. Lucky I was able to catch it."

She takes hold of it and sets it down.

"Am I right in guessing this is your first time here, sir?"


eligible_valet May 17 2009, 20:55:37 UTC
"Jeeves, Miss. My name is Jeeves."

As if in afterthought, "Yes. Quite, Miss."

The tray is levitating, his tone of voice seems to indicate.


withahumanface May 17 2009, 20:30:55 UTC
Javert stepped into Milliways just a moment ago himself, and is still near the door, deciding on where he would prefer to sit. The best vantage points in Milliways are often taken.

He turns automatically at the sound of the man coming in, and - his reflexes are excellent, as one might expect of a police inspector - reaches out to steady the tray without even thinking about it.

(If Jeeves happens to notice that the tray stills a split second before Javert even touches it, he's the only one who does.)


eligible_valet May 17 2009, 20:52:46 UTC
Well, he is a very observant gentleman, Jeeves. If anyone would notice, it would be him. However, already jarred, he fails to register this most peculiar detail. Perhaps this is for the best.



withahumanface May 17 2009, 21:00:01 UTC
Javert nods in acknowledgment.

"Have you not been here before?" he asks. The question is more of a formality than an active request for information; some reactions are easily recognizable.


eligible_valet May 17 2009, 21:08:17 UTC
"I digress, no, Sir."

...catching sight of the rats strips the already disquieted gentleman of yet another layer of colour to his face. Do excuse him while he sags against the nearby wall. He'll only be a moment.


candied_rabbit May 17 2009, 21:01:15 UTC
"Oh, careful!"

Momiji (who happily happens to be nearby) makes a flailing grab for the tray as it tumbles over - a relatively ungraceful one, to be honest, sending his schoolgirl's cap flopping right off his head.

But breakfast keeps off the floor for the moment, and that's a perk, right?

"That would've been messy," the teen snickers, holding the tray back towards Jeeves.


eligible_valet May 17 2009, 21:38:59 UTC
"Thank you, young man."

We should all the grateful Jeeves has no frame of reference for that particular piece of headgear, or he would be most distressed. However, breakfast is saved, which is most auspicious.

He'll just place it somewhere safe, like on a nearby table. Where his not quite steady hands can't cause anything to spill over.


candied_rabbit May 18 2009, 00:00:47 UTC
Poor Jeeves. (Fortunately for him, school's out for break and Momiji has foregone the rest of his uniform.)

"No problem!"

The rabbit-boy hops back a step and smiles brightly, casting a curious glance to the food he'd rescued.

"I guess you weren't expecting the Bar, huh?"


eligible_valet May 18 2009, 15:54:11 UTC
"I was not expecting any kind of bar, Mister...?"

His chin tilts incrementally to the side, as do the corners of his mouth - in opposite directions - and his voice raises a tad in query. Formality, Momiji will come to realize, is of utmost importance to Jeeves.


penderwydd May 17 2009, 21:05:46 UTC
Of course Tegid isn't that fast.

"Are you okay?" he asked in his translated voice from bar, his lilting language dancing underneath it.


eligible_valet May 17 2009, 21:51:07 UTC
Very few are, unfortunately. But today doesn't seem to be a day for actually dropping trays, and so, Jeeves sets it aside. Better safe than sorry, like they say.

Looking the stranger over, with his scar and the cloth covering his eyes, Jeeves lets his eyebrows climb a tad higher than normal.

"I would suppose that rather depends, Sir. It would seem I have lost my way."


penderwydd May 17 2009, 23:28:55 UTC
The mun should update Tegid's journal, his eyes are no longer cloth covered and are now regenerated. He does have some pretty wicked scars on the palms of his hands though.

"Many say that here," said Tegid, "Come join me. I was just sitting down to eat my midday meal."

There spread before him was a plate of meat, mashed potatoes, bread, and a peice of chocolate cake. He had a bowl of beer to wash it down with.

"Would you like anything?"


eligible_valet May 18 2009, 15:51:09 UTC
Then retcon it is, and munly apologies all around! Of course Tegid hasn't covered up his eyes - they're quite a fetching colour, as a matter of fact.

However, Jeeves's eyebrows still quirk a tad higher at the sight of the man, perhaps as one might look at a soldier returning from war. Not with pity, but some shade of sympathy for his scars. The hands of a man are his foremost tools, next to his intellect, after all.

"Thank you kindly." Jeeves brings the tray over, so as to keep a watchful eye on it, and takes a seat. "A spot of tea would be nice, please. Oolong, if available."


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