[First ever entrance, also known as Ask Jeeves! ...no, not really. :D]

May 17, 2009 20:59

Imagine if you will, the sparsely yet sumptuously decorated abode of a young member of the idle rich. A spacious sitting room containing pristinely polished wooden tables and meticulously buffed leather armchairs and so on and so forth ( Read more... )

inspector javert, momiji sohma, bertie wooster, tegid tathal, mia ausa

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withahumanface May 17 2009, 20:30:55 UTC
Javert stepped into Milliways just a moment ago himself, and is still near the door, deciding on where he would prefer to sit. The best vantage points in Milliways are often taken.

He turns automatically at the sound of the man coming in, and - his reflexes are excellent, as one might expect of a police inspector - reaches out to steady the tray without even thinking about it.

(If Jeeves happens to notice that the tray stills a split second before Javert even touches it, he's the only one who does.)


eligible_valet May 17 2009, 20:52:46 UTC
Well, he is a very observant gentleman, Jeeves. If anyone would notice, it would be him. However, already jarred, he fails to register this most peculiar detail. Perhaps this is for the best.



withahumanface May 17 2009, 21:00:01 UTC
Javert nods in acknowledgment.

"Have you not been here before?" he asks. The question is more of a formality than an active request for information; some reactions are easily recognizable.


eligible_valet May 17 2009, 21:08:17 UTC
"I digress, no, Sir."

...catching sight of the rats strips the already disquieted gentleman of yet another layer of colour to his face. Do excuse him while he sags against the nearby wall. He'll only be a moment.


withahumanface May 17 2009, 21:14:19 UTC
"This is Milliways," Javert informs him. "We are at the end of the universe. The rats" - he was following the other man's gaze - "are sanitary. They deliver food."

Delicacy has never been and will never be one of Javert's strong points.


eligible_valet May 18 2009, 15:57:35 UTC
"Deliver food."

End of the universe.

Rats. At the End of the Universe.

"So I see." Clearing his throat, "And how does one simply appear at the End of the Universe. One would hope it is not out of some slight one has yet to realize one has wrought upon the powers that be."


withahumanface May 18 2009, 18:05:29 UTC
"I don't believe so, no." Javert can't think of anything he might have done to offend God. After all, he upholds the law, and does so with as much scrupulous care as he is capable of. "It simply appears when it chooses, generally at the most inconvenient time possible, and won't leave you alone until you have consented to go in and waste time socializing." This has been Javert's experience, at least.

Though he does add, for the sake of fairness, "However, time will not pass at your home while you're here, so you don't need to worry about whatever task you've been stolen away from. You'll be able to do it when you return."


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