
Jun 21, 2008 17:13

The door opens, there's a blast of hot (though not unpleasantly so) air that smells of lavender and sandalwood. A two-foot tall teddy bear comes tumbling into Milliways, accompanied by a washrag, a "Grandma Loves Me" t-shirt, and six socks ( Read more... )

edward tivrusky, temperance brennan, seeley booth, ginny weasley, sally stitch

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Comments 65

paladinsuitsyou June 21 2008, 21:22:51 UTC
Booth sniffs. What's that smell? It reminds him of a girl he once dated, maybe, sweet, a little cloying.

He looks down, sees the socks. One looks sort of familiar, like a long-lost friend. "Hey, what...?"


snugglesoft June 21 2008, 21:32:39 UTC
Cloying? That scent is energizing. It's uplifting.

The bear looks up . . . and up . . . and up at the man (who really does have very nice socks, it must be said).



paladinsuitsyou June 21 2008, 21:35:25 UTC
"Uh, hi," Booth says, looking at the bear, puzzled. (He might be holding the familiar-looking sock behind his back. It really does look like one of his...And he doesn't want to give it back until he's sure.)

"Um. Where did you come from? Why are there so many socks?"


snugglesoft June 21 2008, 21:37:44 UTC
"From the laundry room," says the bear.

He shrugs.

"I guess because the socks needed to be washed?"


dr_temperance June 21 2008, 21:40:20 UTC
It is the olfactory clues that first register with Brennan that something out of the ordinary (if anything in Milliways can really be considered out of the ordinary) has just crossed her path.

Followed immediately by random items of discarded, though apparently clean, clothing.

Brennan frowns down, over her stack of case files, at what appears to be an animate toy.


snugglesoft June 21 2008, 21:43:20 UTC
The animate toy in question smiles up at her, then throws his arms around her knee in a hug before hurrying off.


dr_temperance June 21 2008, 21:52:19 UTC
It is an incident that is just strange enough that it should cause Brennan to be slightly wary as to who or what the bear is, and how it can possibly be moving around (and in an anthropomorphic manner, no less) let alone be dispensing gestures of affection.

But oddly......it doesn't matter.

Her perplexed frown softening into tranquil smile, Brennan continues on her way.


something_tomey June 21 2008, 22:06:35 UTC
Soren does not approve of migrating socks and free-moving stuffed animals. They couldn't possibly bode well, he figures - and, since the source of the weirdness at hand is (for once) smaller than him, he's looking sorely tempted to dropkick the fluffy ursine across the room.

For the moment, he settles for inquiry, as he stares at it:


Okay, not very eloquent inquiry.


snugglesoft June 21 2008, 22:14:52 UTC
Eloquence is overrated, compared to things like exhiliration! And upliftment!

"Hello," says the bear cheerfully.

"I think I'm a little lost."


something_tomey June 21 2008, 22:19:20 UTC
There's a long pause on the mage's part, as he leans down a little and frowns at the bear.

"This is a bar. One at the end of the universe, apparently. It serves alcohol and houses visitors and the dead."

Soren, alas, is new. He lacks any reasonable introductory skills, as far as the place is concerned.

"...I doubt it has space for stuffed toys."

Also: tact.


snugglesoft June 21 2008, 22:23:33 UTC
"Oh, well, that's all right," says the bear, still cheerful. "I haven't brought any stuffed toys. Just socks, apparently."

He looks around.

"Interesting place."

[OOC: Hug or no hug?]


shoeless_ed June 21 2008, 22:51:15 UTC
A small, skinny person with a mop of red hair rolls up to the bear.

(That's right, rolls. Ed feels rolly today, or at least she feels rolly for the time being.)

Ed rolls into a squatting position, from which she can regard the bear curiously.


snugglesoft June 21 2008, 22:53:01 UTC
Rolling is good! It's cheerful!

The bear regards her back.



shoeless_ed June 21 2008, 22:58:01 UTC
Ed blinks. Then a grin spreads across her face.

"Talking teddy beaaaaaar!" she shouts, and makes an impressive, catlike leap at Snuggle Bear, grabs him, and subjects him to an uncomfortably tight hug.

(This is technically known as a 'glomp,' and Ed does it a lot.)

"Hee hee! Ed has the fuzzy wuzzy talking teddy!" she announces, triumphant.


snugglesoft June 21 2008, 23:03:52 UTC
Glomping is good, too. (And uplifting.) It is also, for the record, quite hard to hug a teddy bear too tightly; it's what they're intended for.

Snuggle hugs Ed back.


madetomend June 21 2008, 23:04:33 UTC
Sally smiles sympathetically at the poor dear thing.

This bear is obviously how a teddy bear is supposed look, she thinks, sighing softly, not like those terrifying things with the long claws and bared teeth that Jack had the children make.

"You're in Milliways, little bear." She gets up from her table and makes her way to the bear, kneeling when she comes close.

"I'm Sally, what's your name?" She offers a hand.


snugglesoft June 21 2008, 23:14:33 UTC
"I'm Snuggle," the bear says, with a smile.

Sally seems very nice.

"A moment ago I was in the laundry room, and now I'm here."


madetomend June 21 2008, 23:19:24 UTC
Laundry... Oh!

"Nice to meet you, Snuggle! Like I said, this is Milliways. It's a restaurant in the deep sky, past the sun! That's Bar," Sally points to the bar, "and if you ask her, she will give you almost anything you want. She'll give you a room key too. And there are rules, of course. No hurting others is the most important rule to remember."


snugglesoft June 22 2008, 00:46:59 UTC
"That sounds so pretty," says Snuggle, happily. "And I would never hurt anyone; that's not nice or friendly at all."

Snuggle looks over at Bar.

"Almost anything?"


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