
May 27, 2008 21:03

Tifa likes to show up a little early on nights when she's tending, and until she's supposed to officially go on duty, she spends some time wiping down the bar, humming under her breath. She has a cup of berry tea for herself behind the bar, and once she's done, she stops to take a long sip of it ( Read more... )

tifa lockhart, bartending, john dillinger, albert wesker, hawkeye pierce

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Comments 65

naiad_burial May 28 2008, 01:57:58 UTC
It's her first time to the bar where she now has some semblance of currency backing her. Lucrecia only hopes that the time she's spent working on plans for the gardening job will suffice for a small drink in addition to the other necessities she's been needing or borrowing. Granted, the bar is probably one of the last places she would go to spend her money, but since there are not exactly shops or seaside broadwalks to carouse down throughout Milliway's, it serves as a nice place to relax and meet people ( ... )


antishinra May 28 2008, 02:33:20 UTC
Stepping over enough to be sure they won't have to raise their voices over the constant hum of the bar crowd, Tifa smiles a welcome.

She knows she hasn't seen this woman around the bar before, but there's something so familiar about the long hair and the shape of her face.

"Well, it seems like a lot of the beers we have available back here are from Earth, and those I'm not exactly well-versed on those. But there are a few from where I'm from. There's one called Icicle Run, and it's from a little snow-covered village in the north. It's the frothiest beer you've ever seen, but it has a great taste. One of the best I've had."

Cid, she knows, would recommend it, too.

She could almost swear she's run into this woman before, and she thinks it the more she looks at her.


naiad_burial May 28 2008, 03:00:45 UTC
Earth is one of the worlds that has quite a bit of presence at Milliway's. Her own, however, she would not have expected like this in the least. It's surprising, but familiar and bittersweet. Even the sight of the woman behind the bar is vaguely nostalgic. Perhaps that, though, is only drawn from the small handful of experiences she's had at bars, and all that she can remember of them.

"You wouldn't happen to have something called Gold Grain, would you?" Lucrecia couldn't help but to ask given the mention of Icicle Run. "I think it's from Mideel, and more of an orange amber color. I think it tastes the most natural, or home-made." Lucrecia can't quite tell by this point if the bar waitress is only looking at her attentively or actually watching her. She goes on before she can focus upon it.

"They used to say it's because they brew it in their fishing tubs. I don't believe it, of course." Offering a weak smile, "But if you do, I'll have the Icicle Run."


antishinra May 28 2008, 03:39:11 UTC
She can feel the surprise on her face. "Gold Grain? I--"

...didn't see a label that said anything like it, but she takes another look. She can't not. She hardly expected someone she doesn't know personally to come up and request a beer she's had before herself, and it'd be worth the trouble if it just so happens that she overlooked it ( ... )


hopefulpoet May 28 2008, 02:10:09 UTC
Christian knows that he really must stop coming down to the bar, especially during Happy Hour. When he sees the specials this time, though, he smiles softly.

"Beer," he says to himself. He can ask for something that will give him a taste of home...

The bartender is a woman this time, but that doesn't bother him in the slightest. He stands with his hands in his pockets and asks, "May I have a pint of Guinness, please?"


antishinra May 28 2008, 02:37:33 UTC
Tifa tips her head to the side and grins widely. "When you ask so nicely, how can I say no?"

Guinness is a beer she's not familiar with at all, but she knows what it is and so much is helpfully labeled behind the bar -- they obviously expect to get bartenders from all over, and they should! -- that it takes almost no time at all to spot it and set the young man up with his requested pint.

She's still grinning, when she carefully pushes it across the bar to him. "There you go."


hopefulpoet May 28 2008, 02:45:22 UTC
He gives her a shy smile when she comments on his polite request and it widens as the glory that is Guinness is presented to him.

Eyes shining, Christian looks from the beer then back to her.

"Thank you," he says. "Hardly any foam... lovely job..."

And he picks up the glass, almost reverently, and takes a sip.



antishinra May 28 2008, 02:55:56 UTC
"Thank you." She can't help smiling at the compliment. She loves her job, even if it's a part-time thing at the end of the universe rather than a full-time one in Seventh Heaven. "I've had some practice."

He looks at he's completely enjoying it when he takes a drink, and that only makes her smile more.

"Ordering Guinness must mean you're from Earth," she goes on conversationally.


sleazeoverstyle May 28 2008, 02:36:20 UTC
"Oh. Hey Tifa. Long time no... whatever."

Yeah, it's been a while but since he doesn't usually go seeking out former condemned prisoners and terrorists -- wait, what the hell is he saying? That sounds just like his kind of woman.

"'Scuse me, lady bartender, but this your new place? I thought I knew where everything was everywhere... 'cause I stole Reeve's latest plot plans last week."

The only thing he's not real sure about is how come HQ is suddenly a bar. But that's definitely a welcome turn of events in his book, any day of the week.


antishinra May 28 2008, 02:50:20 UTC
As much as she'd like to stop it from happening, her jaw drops.

Oh, she remembers him, and even though they parted on decent terms the last time they ran into each other -- and they've even had to work together once before -- she's not exactly thrilled to see him.


He's impossible not to recognize, and she can't help straightening to her full height. It's instinct.

"I'm afraid it's not my new place. Maybe you should have a drink."

Serving drinks is her job, and part of the interview made sure she knew she had to do it even if Sephiroth or Hojo came strolling in. Reno's very far from being her favorite person -- lowering the plate on Sector 7 was his job as much as drinks are hers, as much as she doesn't want to think about that -- but he's a definite step up from either of those guys.


sleazeoverstyle May 28 2008, 02:56:28 UTC
Well, if she's offering...

"Don't look so happy to see me. Sure, twist my arm, I'll take a beer. Something good, you know. Rich. Heady."

So, it's not her new place: she must be helping out someone else. "So if it ain't yours, who runs it? Not that mopes-around pain-in-the-ass with the big spiky hair. Tell me he isn't in the bar-owning business, or I'm gonna have to find myself a new waste of time."


antishinra May 28 2008, 03:18:57 UTC
She actually smiles at first, in spite of herself.

"Do I usually look all that happy to see you?"

But the mopes-around pain-in-the-ass with the big spiky hair grates even though she's picked on Cloud's chocobo-style yellow spikes more than once herself, and her smile doesn't last long.

"It's a long story. This place is called Milliways, and after you have your beer, I'd turn around give that door a try."

In the meantime, though, she gets his beer -- he gets the Icicle Run -- and slides it neatly toward him, none spilling.

"You're here alone?"

The Turks usually travel in pairs, at least. Reno and his partner Rude always seemed practically attached at the hip.


hatchingviper May 28 2008, 02:57:46 UTC
Deitmar's moving better than the last time they (briefly) met. Well enough to be thinking about going home. Only thinking. Some things are going to take a lot of time and effort to prepare.

"Black coffee?" It takes him a minute after seeing her to recognise her, but then she gets a very small smile. "You're fitting in well."


antishinra May 28 2008, 03:22:51 UTC
Now this is a familiar face, and it's been quite some time since she's seen him around. In fact, it had occurred her that he might've left.

"Dietmar? It's been a while. How're you doing?"

After flashing him a surprised smile, she busies herself with filling a cup of coffee for him.


hatchingviper May 28 2008, 03:28:04 UTC
"I've had things to catch up on," he shamelessly lies, since what this basically means is I got embarassed at falling over constantly and then my friends gave me technology, so I retreated to my room and completely geeked out playing with electronics and reading until I had my coordination back. "Well. Yourself?"


antishinra May 28 2008, 04:05:19 UTC
"That's a good reason to be scarce," she tells him in all seriousness, and she passes his cup of coffee over the bar to him.

This time around she notices that he seems less... erratic. He doesn't seem so much like Cloud when she found him at the train station, and she's glad for it.

She never asked about it, but it worried her.

"Not bad, thanks." She smiles again. "I thought getting a job would keep me out of trouble."


yankeedoodle_dr May 28 2008, 03:43:58 UTC
"Let me guess," says Hawkeye Pierce, taking a smooth seat at the bar, and tipping his head to one side as he makes a show of careful thought. "--You're an angel." He grins at the lovely bartender. "You never know, around here."

(Milliways: facilitating awesomely bad pick-up lines since the first end of the universe.)


antishinra May 28 2008, 03:59:20 UTC
Surprised, she laughs out loud.

"If I'm an angel, nobody informed me before now."

Suppressing a grin, she folds her arms over her chest. "Now let me guess. You'd like a drink. A beer, probably."


yankeedoodle_dr May 28 2008, 04:12:16 UTC
"Definitely one of the higher seraphim," Hawkeye pronounces, his (admiring) grin growing exponentially with her laugh. "A beer is exactly what the doctor ordered."


antishinra May 28 2008, 04:19:39 UTC
"And I never even knew it," she comments almost ruefully, making a show of being truly marveled by the news. "I'll just have to make the most of it now that I do."

It's harder and harder to keep from grinning. "Are you one of those Earth beer types, or should I give you something more exotic?"


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