
May 27, 2008 21:03

Tifa likes to show up a little early on nights when she's tending, and until she's supposed to officially go on duty, she spends some time wiping down the bar, humming under her breath. She has a cup of berry tea for herself behind the bar, and once she's done, she stops to take a long sip of it ( Read more... )

tifa lockhart, bartending, john dillinger, albert wesker, hawkeye pierce

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hatchingviper May 28 2008, 02:57:46 UTC
Deitmar's moving better than the last time they (briefly) met. Well enough to be thinking about going home. Only thinking. Some things are going to take a lot of time and effort to prepare.

"Black coffee?" It takes him a minute after seeing her to recognise her, but then she gets a very small smile. "You're fitting in well."


antishinra May 28 2008, 03:22:51 UTC
Now this is a familiar face, and it's been quite some time since she's seen him around. In fact, it had occurred her that he might've left.

"Dietmar? It's been a while. How're you doing?"

After flashing him a surprised smile, she busies herself with filling a cup of coffee for him.


hatchingviper May 28 2008, 03:28:04 UTC
"I've had things to catch up on," he shamelessly lies, since what this basically means is I got embarassed at falling over constantly and then my friends gave me technology, so I retreated to my room and completely geeked out playing with electronics and reading until I had my coordination back. "Well. Yourself?"


antishinra May 28 2008, 04:05:19 UTC
"That's a good reason to be scarce," she tells him in all seriousness, and she passes his cup of coffee over the bar to him.

This time around she notices that he seems less... erratic. He doesn't seem so much like Cloud when she found him at the train station, and she's glad for it.

She never asked about it, but it worried her.

"Not bad, thanks." She smiles again. "I thought getting a job would keep me out of trouble."


hatchingviper May 28 2008, 04:15:01 UTC
"It does for most people," he says, perhaps thinking of a man who wanted a job at the forge and got chased by werewolves, perhaps not. "Are you Bound here, then?"


antishinra May 28 2008, 04:39:49 UTC
She nods her head in reply.

"I was able to go home for a few weeks, but I just ended up right back here again. This time from my bedroom closet. And like before, I can't get the door to open."

Curious, she tilts her head to one side. "Have you been home lately yourself?"


hatchingviper May 28 2008, 04:44:01 UTC
If he knew she'd worried at all, he'd probably be quietly surprised. Curiosity is something he expects a little more. People here have such interesting lives.

"Inconvenient," he says, to the brief visit. "I hope you had a chance to prepare before you found yourself here again." He shakes his head. "Not recently. Briefly, some months back, to pick up some animals. A few people here offered them homes."

In salvaging what he could from a facility that experimented on humans, he saved himself, a sixteen-year-old sociopath who happens to be his best friend, and three puppies. Go, team Wesker.


antishinra May 28 2008, 05:54:05 UTC
"Well," she starts, eyebrows raised slightly, "I wouldn't say I was prepared."

Coming in from the closet surprised her even more than coming in from outside, but...

"But at least I knew the routine this time. And the bartending staff was hiring, so that was a perfect opportunity."

In reply, she smiles a little. "Giving animals away to good homes? That's nice of you."


hatchingviper May 28 2008, 06:03:55 UTC
"Pity," he says. "I've never truly entered involuntarily besides the first time." And then there was the time in mid-mission and the other time when he totally wobbled the timeline to bits and an older version dropped in, but he doesn't really count those.

"It was the least I could do." See Wesker be honest! "There was a fire." See Wesker be vague. (He actually hadn't been entirely sure Ryan wouldn't drown his puppy in the lake. But never mind that.) "It happened rather in the middle of nowhere, and it's a long walk to the city. Longer with puppies, I should think."


antishinra May 31 2008, 07:36:24 UTC
"I would think so," she can't help but agree. "But... you always come in voluntarily?" The very idea raises her eyebrows. "I was almost starting to think not having a choice was the norm around here."

She smiles a little. "I guess I just haven't met a lot of people who do. How does that work? Is there something special you have to do, or is just wanting it to happen enough?"


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