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Comments 35

didntseeit August 31 2007, 09:09:58 UTC

And then there wasn't. And lo! For the woman who calls herself Ajedrez was sad, but then he got hit by a bottle, so that was all right.

"I don't think the lady is pleased."

[ooc: no idea if you are still around, but I couldn't resist!]


legendaryoutlaw August 31 2007, 15:08:55 UTC
"You know, I got that impression, too." He rubs the new lump on the back of his head, and picks up the bottle. "But she obviously remembers me! My favorite stuff." He strokes the bar top, and a glass appears. "Thanks, Bar."

He looks over at Ajedrez, and instantly perks up. "Hey, y'know, you're really pretty! Can I get you a drink or something?"


didntseeit September 1 2007, 01:36:37 UTC
Her smile widens.

"Hey, sure. Tequila."


legendaryoutlaw September 3 2007, 16:34:00 UTC
"You got it!" Bar hesitates a moment before the tequila appears, along with a glass next to the whiskey. Vash picks up both drinks and strolls over to the lovely lady's table and sits down, setting the drink in front of her.

"So hi! I'm Vash. What's your name?"


priestoftravel August 31 2007, 15:39:04 UTC
That... Scent! Stantal!
Nick was sitting a booth near the door when the door swung open, and his suspicions were confirmed when the blonde walked through it and gave a typical dramatic enterance.
Nick facepalmed at the bottle.
"Y'know, Vash, I don't think she likes that kind of loud, flippant behavior. A lot of us dead people are trying to rest."
He was smirking so it was a good sign of a death well spent, thus far.
"You wouldn't believe what I've been doing, even if I told you."


legendaryoutlaw August 31 2007, 21:26:31 UTC
"Wolfwood!" Vash grins. "I thought rest and staying in one place were never your style. Shouldn't you have moved on to the next Bar of the afterlife by now?"

He sits at his booth, bringing the bottle and a pair of glasses he wheedled out of Bar along for the trip. "Try me. You know me--I've been through and seen so many things that I might believe anything."


priestoftravel August 31 2007, 21:44:04 UTC
"If there was such a thing as post-mortum bar hopping, you know I'd do it. Unfortunately, this is the only one I've heard about." He lit up a cigarette and snitched a glass from the other gunman.
"Well, I told you about my friend Belle last time, where she lives?" He poured himself a glass of Wild Turkey as he spoke.
"Well, she's so grateful as my services as a priest that she offered me a job as her gardener as well. I can think of a million worse jobs than to hang around a lush bayou, pulling weeds and tending to poisonous plants."


legendaryoutlaw August 31 2007, 21:48:38 UTC

"Poisonous plants? I mean, I know it doesn't matter--with you being dead, I mean--but poisonous plants? Who keeps those as a hobby? And why?"


whatsshakinpox August 31 2007, 22:42:47 UTC
The bizarre spectacle of the man in red caught the attention of one of the bar-goers at a nearby table. He was currently alone, though there were clones of him elsewhere... The was Cryptosporidium One-Seven-Six, who was intergalactic mercenary material. For a moment, he snickers at the new guy, then realizes...

Wait a minute... I've seen this guy before...

Not in person, though. He checks a little computer database to identify...the man with the sixty billion double-dollar tab bounty on his head. Interesting... Crypto jetpacks over so as to stand on the seat next to Vash - the only way to get an eye-level view - with a look of curiosity.

"What's the haps, stranger? Ya got this 'died and gone to heaven' look about ya. 'Course, some of the people around here HAVE, so maybe that's the case. Who are you, anyway?"


legendaryoutlaw August 31 2007, 23:08:45 UTC
"Vash opens his eyes and lifts his head away from Bar. "Hey, pal, you go tramping around in a burning desert for AIIIEEEE WHOA WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU, MISTER???"

The Typhoon falls over backwards off the barstool and lands flat on the floor, staring up at the little blue guy. YOu know, the definitely-NOT-human one.


whatsshakinpox August 31 2007, 23:29:57 UTC
While the red-clad stranger goes about his panicky way, Crypto checks his breath, his armpits, and then shrugs comically. He knows, of course, that he does not offend, but it was funny to put on the act.

"What's the big deal? Have I got warts? A big mole on my forehead? Space Herpes?"

Thank you, makers of The Ice Pirates.

"Oh, I get it... You're on my case because I'm SHORT!"

It was hard to keep a straight face during all this, but somehow...he was managing it.


legendaryoutlaw August 31 2007, 23:49:41 UTC
"Well..." Vash bites his lip for a second as he scrambles back to his feet. "Not really--it's more like--well, I mean--uh--well, you're blue... and yeah, short I guess... and your eyes..."

Blubbering, stammering, idiot alert!


poisonwine September 1 2007, 00:10:22 UTC
There is, and has been sporadically, though she thought she would be on vacation during this time, a blonde woman in Bar.

She notices a man in a red coat, with a bottle of alcohol.

Seems like she's in the mood to make friends!

"Been gone?"


legendaryoutlaw September 3 2007, 16:57:41 UTC
"You have no idea. I think the planet I went home to could be considered to be the other end of the universe." He looks up at the lovely blonde lady addressing him, and holds up the bottle. "Drink?"


poisonwine September 3 2007, 21:43:44 UTC
Belle chuckled and nodded. "Please. I'm Belle. Who're you?"

Because Wolfwood was vague on details about him.


legendaryoutlaw September 4 2007, 02:27:14 UTC
The gunman pours the drinks and salutes her in a friendly and casual fashion. "My name's Vash. I think we might have a mutual friend...?"


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