
Aug 18, 2007 10:10

Standing patiently in a corner of the bar, Rand is dressed for battle. His white shirt is tight, sword buckled at his hip, black pants a little loose for movement, black boots with hard soles. The glow of Saidin is alight about him, and his gaze sweeps the room as he looks for those who are joining him today in the hunt ( Read more... )

rand al'thor, ryoko hakubi, cre'hktdi, spoon, krauser, inari, wencit of rūm

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Comments 74

there_is_a_me August 18 2007, 20:30:00 UTC
Soon enough there is an armored monstrosity by him.

A short armored monstrosity. Stupid genetics.


flame_and_void August 18 2007, 20:34:33 UTC
Rand blinks down at the armored monstrosity, hand itching toward his sword.

kill it kill it kill it kill it

Then he recalls the rules of the bar, and stops himself. Frowning, as he doesn't recognize who--or what--this is, he ventures a guess.



there_is_a_me August 18 2007, 20:37:30 UTC
"Yeah." Spoon says, and his mask chitters happily along with it, "That's me. Time to go?"


flame_and_void August 18 2007, 20:39:52 UTC
Rand eyes the armor for a long moment. "I may have to take some time to explain to the others that you aren't Seanchean," he mumbles.

"But yes, it is time. You have all that you need?"


wildfire_eyes August 18 2007, 20:33:26 UTC
Wencit knew that Rand would be moving soon, but not precisely when. It explains why he's not really dressed for a fight when he walks down the stairs from his room. He's not visibly armed, and a light robe isn't much in the way of armor.

But Rand is a rather intense young man in normal circumstances, and these are anything but that. Wencit spots him quickly and strides over, "Today then, is it?"


flame_and_void August 18 2007, 20:35:24 UTC
He nods.

"It is; I apologize for the short notice, but things had to be moved up a notch. If you need some time to make preparations, w--I have a little bit to give."


wildfire_eyes August 18 2007, 20:37:50 UTC
"I shall not delay you," Wencit turns, then pauses. "Has there been any change in the situation from when last we spoke?"


flame_and_void August 18 2007, 20:41:30 UTC
"Nothing that I'm aware of. The element of surprise is still on our side, so we should be able to get in and hit hard."


ryoko_set_free August 18 2007, 20:35:52 UTC
Ryoko recognizes the young man as Rand, the one she'd spoken to shortly after arriving. She makes her way over to him and greets him.

"Hello, Rand, is it? Is it time for the battle?"


flame_and_void August 18 2007, 20:38:59 UTC
He nods in greeting, stonefaced.

"Ryoko. It is; are you prepared?"


ryoko_set_free August 18 2007, 20:44:45 UTC
A small smile and a nod. She makes two tight fists and concentrates briefly. There are two gems that begin to glow on the insides of her wrists, and her outfit transforms into a businesslike body suit. The left side of her face looks appears to have turned black.

"I'm ready any time."


flame_and_void August 18 2007, 20:49:13 UTC
A cold grin sets on his face. "Then we just have a few more preparations to make. Be sure to gather round once I call upon everyone."


kinshou_kitsune August 18 2007, 21:20:06 UTC
There is a small petite Japanese woman walking by, someone who could almost be mistaken for a Seanchan if it wasn't for her to blue eyes, gliding by holding a couple of papers in her hands that passes infront of Rand without a glance. That is until she stops a few feet away almost feeling the hair on the back of her neck stand on end. No she couldn't see Saidin or Saidar but there was something different about him. It was quite possible he could be a lesser kami from some other country or world.

Inari turns slowly to glance at Rand letting one eyebrow raise ever so slightly. "Good day to you, sir," she says in greeting with a sing-song voice sprinkled with curiosity.


flame_and_void August 18 2007, 21:35:16 UTC
Rand nods politely in reply to the lady, curious as well about the source of that sing-song tonality to her voice.

"Light watch over you, madame."


kinshou_kitsune August 18 2007, 21:41:13 UTC
His own accent was unknown to her. Of course, Inari could easily say it was from somewhere not in Japan. It was not like Ari, or Harding, or Will, or Nathan, or Peter, or..well the list could go on forever. "A curious way to greet someone," she says slowly, softly. Her steps take her closer to Rand with her head tilting fox-like to the right. "I do not know you, but yet..you remind me beings that I know."

Once the Goddess is a only a step or two away she bows respectfully to Rand. "I am called Inari."


flame_and_void August 18 2007, 21:49:57 UTC
Bowing at the waist in return, Rand makes a return introduction.

"Light watch over you, Lady Inari. I am Rand al'Thor."

He straightens, considering the woman. "I have not seen you about Milliways before."


dead_comrade August 18 2007, 21:29:00 UTC
Krauser's here, looking for--hey, the guy's glowing. That's new.

He veers to talk to him. According to Krauser's minimalist idea of what he needs to cause mayhem, he's set. Anyone looking at him might not be sure; he's just got a bow and some extra grenades, besides, of course, his knife.


flame_and_void August 18 2007, 21:33:47 UTC
Rand eyes the heavily armed man with a bit of wariness--one can never be too careful around such people, even with the rules of the bar in effect.


dead_comrade August 18 2007, 23:03:18 UTC
Sure one can!

. . . uh, yes.

He's actually not heavily armed at all by his world's standards, where at the slightest hint of trouble you'd best have a pistol and some grenades, and, when things get hairy, a shotgun and rifle and rocket launcher.

"You had a sign up a while back," he says, "looking for personnel."


flame_and_void August 18 2007, 23:04:15 UTC
Rand ahs and nods.

"I did; were you interested in lending a hand?"


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