
Jul 21, 2007 19:42

Milliways has been said to be (among other things, not all of them complimentary) a place for minds to meet, a place for genius plans and cockamamie schemes, a place for kindred spirits to find each other ( Read more... )

maid marian, puck, draco malfoy, party, osaka, will scarlett, ace (pyro), alexander knox, simon skinner, nathan petrelli, shane, sarah jane smith, hawkeye pierce

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Comments 316

Bonfire puckishly July 22 2007, 00:46:45 UTC
Demon bunnies roasting on an open fire ...

That might not be how the song actually goes. As far as Puck's concerned, however, it's the only way the song goes. The bonfire is blazing merrily, while a quartet of demon rabbits turns somewhat-less-merrily on a spit. All and sundry are invited to try some rabbit, roast something of their own, or just chillax and mingle.


Re: Bonfire nitro_is_ace July 22 2007, 01:07:20 UTC
Fire and alcohol?

Ace is so there.

With marshmallows and chocolate and those little ginger cracker things. The smallish pyro makes herself comfortable in range of the warmth and begins setting up marshmallows for roasting.


Re: Bonfire puckishly July 22 2007, 01:11:33 UTC
Ooh, Puck likes marshmallows!

He .... also remembers a certain not-too-long-ago amnesia incident. Vacuum machine sex toys were involved.

So it is that he sidles up alongside said smallish pyro and purrs, "Hullo."


Re: Bonfire nitro_is_ace July 22 2007, 01:13:42 UTC
"Hullo!" Ace chirps cheerily. "Whiskey-soaked marshmallow?"

Ace has no shame.


Shame is for people who can die.


Drinks yankeedoodle_dr July 22 2007, 00:48:10 UTC
What kind of party with weird bobbing lights would this be if there was nothing foul and possibly toxic to drink?

There are several wine bottles sitting in the grass, along with a decent-sized collection of martini glasses (which could possibly, at some point, run out, but no one here has any transmittable diseases, right?). However, while it may look like wine, it certainly doesn't taste like it. This home-brewed gin, straight from the Swamp's treasured still. The nectar of the gods.

It tastes like something you might use to clean a car engine.

Still, it's got quite a kick to it, and some industrious soul (read: Hawkeye) has gone to the trouble of ingeniously making one or two bottles of the stuff look like red wine. Drink up!


Re: Drinks will_scarlett July 22 2007, 00:56:10 UTC
It reminds Will of what Tuck brews thus the face he gives Hawkeyes' way, "What did this poor alcohol e'er do to ye, sir?"


Re: Drinks yankeedoodle_dr July 22 2007, 01:00:15 UTC
Hawkeye tips his helmet up so that he can see whoever is addressing him.

" 'Poor alcohol'?" Hawkeye repeats, eyebrows raised. "Sir, I assure you, there is nothing poor about this," he raises his martini glass, "fine speciman of alcoholic content."


Re: Drinks will_scarlett July 22 2007, 01:04:19 UTC
Will's just your normal medieval outlaw with a grin on his face, his too old eyes look probably familiar,

"Aye, sir, known Tuck to do such things to poor innocent apples to make 'em stronger."


Puck and/or Hawkeye yankeedoodle_dr July 22 2007, 00:49:30 UTC
Man. Hawkeye and Puck have the best ideas.

The two smug hosts are to be found at various points around the fire. Hawkeye is generally keeping near the alcohol, wearing his uniform, a stately (ratty) maroon bathrobe, and a pith helmet as a crown, tipped at an angle and in danger of falling off his head. There is, naturally, a martini in hand as he surveys the madness, satisfied.

Puck, on the other hand, is here, there, and everywhere.

If you see Puck eating demon bunny onna stick, go to page 13.

If you see Puck lying on the grass, go to page 54.

If you see Puck flirting with a particularly attractive member of ... some species, go to page 'well, duh.'


puckishly July 22 2007, 01:04:45 UTC
In this particular version of reality, Puck is peering curiously at Hawkeye's martini.

"Now those I've seen before," he says thoughtfully.


yankeedoodle_dr July 22 2007, 01:10:26 UTC
Hawkeye pauses with the glass halfway to his mouth, and glances down at his martini. "Those? Which those? There are an awful lot of thoses out here," he points out, this last rather smug as he surveys the partiers.


puckishly July 22 2007, 01:17:03 UTC
"In this case, the those in question was really more of a this," Puck replies, apologetic. And grins. "Your drink, sir."


puckishly July 22 2007, 03:19:56 UTC
Apparently, the smell of roasting rabbit carries.

And apparently, the demon rabbits of the Milliways woods do not enjoy it.

A horde of little red eyes is gathering at the edge of the forest, regarding the bonfire crowd with hostility.


waylostandfound July 22 2007, 03:29:01 UTC
Nathan pinched the bridge of his nose, and just said two words.

"Not again..."


yankeedoodle_dr July 22 2007, 03:40:23 UTC
Hawkeye who had been sitting, taking it all in, is eyeing those little eyes with some trepidation.

He frowns, obviously watching the forest.

"What the hell is that," he mutters, to no one in particular.


puckishly July 22 2007, 03:47:10 UTC
Puck hastily swallows the last of a demon rabbit kebab, eyeing the approaching bunny horde with trepidation.

"Er," he says.

The rabbits, meanwhile, say nothing, but appear to combine bouncing and stalking in a manner that implies, FALLEN COMRADES! WE SHALL HAVE OUR VENGEANCE.


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