
Jun 28, 2007 18:43

The door swings open and John Adams steps in, grinning smugly as he straightens his jacket.

It is, perhaps, one of those rare moments when Mr. Adams is caught in what normal people would call a "good mood", mostly due to the fact that he actually won an argument with Franklin. (An eagle it should be, and an eagle it will be! A turkey, honestly, what ( Read more... )

doc scurlock, captain kirk, mitchell hundred, john adams, the cheat, strong bad, divis mal, ace (pyro)

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Comments 64

docscurlock June 28 2007, 23:10:08 UTC
A free drink? Hell, Doc's up for that any time.

"Independence, sir? From what? From...oh."

Then it clicks. Adams. John Adams. Second president...

"Sir, it's an honor, sir," Doc says, with a little bit of a bow."


obnoxiousadams June 28 2007, 23:23:32 UTC
"I know," John says with a smile, already halfway done with a mug of rum.

"I take it you know who I am, then?"


docscurlock June 28 2007, 23:28:29 UTC
"Yes sir," Doc says, with a nod. "John Adams. We studied you quite a bit in class."

He's careful which words he uses. He's not sure what time exactly President Adams is from, and there's been enough mind-breakage already...


obnoxiousadams June 28 2007, 23:33:47 UTC
"Studied me, eh?"

He likes the sound of that, oh yes.


works_in_space June 28 2007, 23:57:37 UTC
Jim takes note of the announcement, and the clothing. Is it possible that this person is actually form that time?

He heads over. The American Revolution is not his passion the way the Civil War is, but he still takes pride in the accomplishments of that day over 500 years ago.

"I'm from Iowa. I hope that counts?"


obnoxiousadams June 29 2007, 00:00:01 UTC
John blinks at him.

"Is Iowa a part of the United States?"


works_in_space June 29 2007, 00:01:47 UTC
"Ah. Then you are from that long ago." Jim should know better. "Iowa will be a state after your time. One of the original 50. Assuming, that is, that you are here from July 1776.

"I'm Jim Kirk, and...I'm from over 500 years after your day."


obnoxiousadams June 29 2007, 00:03:55 UTC
"June," John corrects.

"I'm John Adams," he grins, offering his hand.


thegreatmachine June 29 2007, 00:08:04 UTC
"Isn't it Samuel Ada--"

...aha, so we're not talking about the beer there. There's waistcoats involved here.

"John Adams?"

Says the Mayor of New York City.


obnoxiousadams June 29 2007, 00:12:49 UTC
"Samuel is my cousin," John deadpans. "And yes, the beer is named after him."

A pause.

"It has a poor taste, if you ask me."


thegreatmachine June 29 2007, 00:14:53 UTC
"It gets better than," he says with a straight face. Or he tries.

He holds up a hand.

"One second."

And that is the stiffled giggle of the political fanboy trying not to look like a total idiot in front of one of the founding fathers.


obnoxiousadams June 29 2007, 00:17:00 UTC
... oh dear God.

Not another one like Toby, PLEASE GOD NO.

John shoots the man a not very pleasant look.


good_or_awesome June 29 2007, 00:20:48 UTC
Free Country USA is part of America, even if Strong Badia is debatable. So the short guy says "Sure thing, Mr. Adams!" Yeah, he's taking it in stride, even though... freakin' Milliways, man. "Me and my The Cheat'll have some'a your brother's beer, if that's all right."


obnoxiousadams June 29 2007, 00:25:55 UTC

John stares at the... thing... and blinks.

"He was my cousin," he says, expression blank.


good_or_awesome June 29 2007, 00:30:35 UTC
"Okay, your cousin's beer. My bad. Doesn't matter to me who makes it, just so long as it's CUH-HOLD when it gets to me. Like I said, I'm Strong Bad, and this," he indicates the yellow critter, "is my The Cheat. Or maybe he's The Cheat and I'm his Strong Bad, I dunno."

"Mah!" says The Cheat, grinning to show his gold tooth.


obnoxiousadams June 29 2007, 00:33:46 UTC
"That's --"

... okay, um.

"What... are you?"


nitro_is_ace June 29 2007, 00:23:08 UTC
Ace doesn't mind America, really. Even if they have weird ideas about footy and can't seem to serve beer properly.

But loud obnoxious people are totally fair game, no matter what their nationality. This is why, before Ace heads outside with her football, she leaves a request with Bar.

A few minutes later, 'Rule Britannia' plays over the Milliways sound system.

Perivale: 1, rest of the world: nil


obnoxiousadams June 29 2007, 00:28:24 UTC
... the look John gives Bar is the kind of looks he gives Toby: a murderous, angry glare.


Was, in modern terms, NOT COOL.


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