(no subject)

Jun 28, 2007 18:43

The door swings open and John Adams steps in, grinning smugly as he straightens his jacket.

It is, perhaps, one of those rare moments when Mr. Adams is caught in what normal people would call a "good mood", mostly due to the fact that he actually won an argument with Franklin. (An eagle it should be, and an eagle it will be! A turkey, honestly, what was Franklin thinking?)

The fact that Congress also just read the Declaration aloud and voted in favor of it, well, that may also have something to do with his mood.

He strides over to Bar and beams as he places a pile of paper bills down on her, then turns and announces, very loudly:

"Americans, come celebrate your independence with a drink on John Adams!"

Even though it hasn't been signed yet, John's got a very good feeling that it will be very soon.

... and this, ladies and gentlemen, proves that anything can happen at the end of the Universe.

[ooc: Feel free to have your pup just get a drink - speaking with John isn't a requirement. ;D

Also, am calling slowtime at 8:47 PM EST - will be back for tags soon!]

doc scurlock, captain kirk, mitchell hundred, john adams, the cheat, strong bad, divis mal, ace (pyro)

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