
Jun 24, 2007 09:48

Some new signs have appeared around the Bar, they are brightly colored and have lots of leaves on them, one even has a blue turtle, don't ask. The gist of all of them is the same:

Music, Beer, Dancing!! Tuesday Evening, outside, bring a friend, bring a girl, bring someone to dance with!! Questions: Talk to Will Scarlett or Mal.Not far away, Will ( Read more... )

will scarlett, midsummer night's amnesia, sugar, yrael, barbara gordon, lyrae addam

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Comments 137

mogget_cat June 24 2007, 15:35:32 UTC
They're hard to miss, those signs. Yrael, having been wakened early this morning by a ruthless calico cat who has not been getting nearly enough attention to suit her, pauses to read the signs as he walks in. Edielweiss, however, will not stand for him pausing in the scritching he's giving her.

Interesting. A dance. It has been a while.

"Sounds like fun to me," he says down to the calico, idly. She purrs, so maybe she agrees.


will_scarlett June 24 2007, 21:56:54 UTC
Will sees the cat and the man and waves happily to them,

"Aye, sir, should be, group o'us 'ave forgotten many things, but dancin' makes things better."


mogget_cat June 24 2007, 22:25:40 UTC
Yrael turns to the voice, smiling. "Some dance to remember," the albino man says, recalling a lyric of a song he heard while visiting Bella's New Orleans, "and some dance to forget."

"What kind of dance will this be?"


will_scarlett June 24 2007, 22:27:48 UTC
"I dinna know actually, sir. Really whate'er sorts o'music folks wish it to be since feels right to dance outside for Midsummer though dinna know quite why. Also whate'er music, players wish to play, since tis the dancin' an 'appiness that counts na the type o'music."


twiceahero June 24 2007, 18:47:54 UTC
Barbara is thinking about something else when she spots the first sign. That may explain why a soft, bittersweet smile flits across her face before she blinks and shakes off her nostalgia.

Funny. She didn't have Will pegged as the type to organize a dance.


will_scarlett June 24 2007, 21:58:32 UTC
Will sees the red haired woman in the chair look at the signs and her sad smile, so waves and calls out to her,

"Will ye come, milady, dinna need a memory or anythin' else to dance just joy?"


twiceahero June 25 2007, 17:27:13 UTC
She turns slowly to look at him and the smile brightens a tiny bit, "I am afraid, Will, that I am unable to dance anymore." She taps the arm of her chair in illustration.

She's still watching him. He seems much happier than last time they spoke.


will_scarlett June 25 2007, 22:04:22 UTC
"Then we'll just 'ave to find a way for ye to share the joy, milady. Do ye know me then, brillant?"

At Will's belt is a lanyard with the number 3 and Will Scarlett written on it as he beams back.


_mother_dearest June 24 2007, 22:25:58 UTC
A rather pretty young(?) woman is sitting nearby wearing a dark silk dress. A glass of wine perched in her hand as she studied a thick, dusty book. She wore a rather serious look that belied her youthful appearance if one was inclined to study.

Currently, she seemed a touch annoyed with a strand of her long dark hair that would not stay tucked behind her ear.


will_scarlett June 24 2007, 22:28:45 UTC
Will doesn't recognize the woman, but then he only knows a few people who told him they know him so he smiles at her and waves,

"Fair day, lady."


_mother_dearest June 24 2007, 22:30:43 UTC
A calm, cool glance from Lyrae, who nodded in reply. Her voice--thick with a harsh accent--is level and while not unfriendly, not particularly warm either.

"Greetings, Child."


will_scarlett June 24 2007, 22:32:31 UTC
He doesn't really question the child since Will knows he's only seventeen and her voice sounds different from those he's heard before so he smiles again,

"Can I ask ye an odd question, milady, do ye 'appen to know me? 'ppears I've lost me memory an am tryin' to piece together what I can. Also organizin' a dance for Midsummer."


whiteabsolution June 24 2007, 23:44:03 UTC
God, Sugar is such a sucker for pretty men and watching people dance in this place. Seems like there was an abundance of both lately. Sugar leaned on her elbows against the bar, waiting for him to finish with others before he would come her way.


will_scarlett June 25 2007, 01:24:32 UTC
Will has returned to his meal and notices the blond woman looking his way and bows to her with a smile,

"Fair day, milady, are ye interested in the dancin'?"


whiteabsolution June 25 2007, 01:42:44 UTC
"I would love to." Sugar replies with a soft smile, making her way over to his table.


will_scarlett June 25 2007, 01:46:07 UTC
"Brillant, milady, 'ope to 'ave as many folks there as we can get. Twill be out back with food, drink an torches for when it gets dark. 'ppears lots o'us 'ave forgotten who we are an I thought this would be a lovely way for folks to relax an enjoy Midsummer."

He's just beaming and looking like a happy teenager as he talks and tinges a little pink at the thought of dancing with Molly.


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