
Jun 24, 2007 09:48

Some new signs have appeared around the Bar, they are brightly colored and have lots of leaves on them, one even has a blue turtle, don't ask. The gist of all of them is the same:

Music, Beer, Dancing!! Tuesday Evening, outside, bring a friend, bring a girl, bring someone to dance with!! Questions: Talk to Will Scarlett or Mal.Not far away, Will ( Read more... )

will scarlett, midsummer night's amnesia, sugar, yrael, barbara gordon, lyrae addam

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mogget_cat June 24 2007, 15:35:32 UTC
They're hard to miss, those signs. Yrael, having been wakened early this morning by a ruthless calico cat who has not been getting nearly enough attention to suit her, pauses to read the signs as he walks in. Edielweiss, however, will not stand for him pausing in the scritching he's giving her.

Interesting. A dance. It has been a while.

"Sounds like fun to me," he says down to the calico, idly. She purrs, so maybe she agrees.


will_scarlett June 24 2007, 21:56:54 UTC
Will sees the cat and the man and waves happily to them,

"Aye, sir, should be, group o'us 'ave forgotten many things, but dancin' makes things better."


mogget_cat June 24 2007, 22:25:40 UTC
Yrael turns to the voice, smiling. "Some dance to remember," the albino man says, recalling a lyric of a song he heard while visiting Bella's New Orleans, "and some dance to forget."

"What kind of dance will this be?"


will_scarlett June 24 2007, 22:27:48 UTC
"I dinna know actually, sir. Really whate'er sorts o'music folks wish it to be since feels right to dance outside for Midsummer though dinna know quite why. Also whate'er music, players wish to play, since tis the dancin' an 'appiness that counts na the type o'music."


mogget_cat June 24 2007, 22:31:53 UTC
Yrael straightens, frowning vaguely. If he were in catshape, his ears would be lying flat. "But of course the type of music matters. The music determines what sort of dance it will be."

"Who do you have to play?"


will_scarlett June 24 2007, 22:35:45 UTC
"Mal said 'e would get together a band playin' somethin' called rock an roll, sir. Aye, guess ye're right, problem is I dinna 'member the sort o'music that would suit me 'ome an time, just wish for somethin' joyful for folks to dance to. Be glad for anyone else who can play, dinna think I know any instruments though do know 'ow to dance."

Will looks thoughtful and a little worried as he talks, he loves to dance and this feels right, but there are just so many things missing.


mogget_cat June 24 2007, 22:37:52 UTC
Tilting his head, Yrael makes a slight face. "Rock'n'roll is all right, I suppose. Not really dance music; not music at all, if you find yourself with people without any talent."


will_scarlett June 24 2007, 22:44:49 UTC
"Mal 'ad to 'xplain what it was to me, sir. The kind o'music that feels right to me is somethin' lighter, blast, know what I mean but dinna know 'ow to 'xplain it. Also liked what Belle played when we were dancin' though that wasna familiar either."

He keeps running a hand through his red hair trying to find the words since Will doesn't know he's from the 1100s and that he loves the tradational music of his time.


mogget_cat June 24 2007, 22:51:15 UTC
"Music designed for dancing, perhaps?" He smirks. "I sometimes play my violin for my friends, when they wish to dance."


will_scarlett June 24 2007, 22:53:57 UTC
Now Will just grins,

"Aye, sir, 'xactly, would ye be willin' to play for us. Know ye dinna know me an tis probably a great imposition, but just feels right to 'ave dancin'."


mogget_cat June 24 2007, 22:58:06 UTC
He is suddenly solemn. "A great imposition, yes. Because I truly hate playing music for the enjoyment of others."

"That is why I do it so often for my friends. But I suppose I could be imposed upon to play." His face breaks out into a grin. "Tuesday, you say?"


will_scarlett June 24 2007, 23:01:41 UTC
Will fidgets when Yrael gets solemn, wondering if maybe he knows about Will being an outlaw and he might not. Though at the grin, he relaxes again,

"Aye, sir, thank ye, sir, would be most grateful. 'ave I told ye me name, yet, know should do that but still feels new so tis strange."


mogget_cat June 24 2007, 23:07:24 UTC
Yrael tends to like outlaws. He often gets along with them; they have similar experiences, in some cases.

In any case, he tends to like them a lot better than he does outright heroes.

Yrael raises his eyebrows slightly. "I'm afraid I haven't yet gotten your name. We haven't met, as far as I know. I am Yrael."


will_scarlett June 24 2007, 23:10:10 UTC
"Belle told me tis Will Scarlett, sir, an all the other folks who know me say tis that. Pleasure to meet ye.."

Then Will's stuck since it feels like he should put a title or something there, but he's not sure what, this is all so confusing.


mogget_cat June 24 2007, 23:13:13 UTC
"Belle is typically trustworthy in matters of her friends," Yrael smiles, inclining his white-haired head slightly. "She is a good friend of my own, as well. Pleased to meet you, Will Scarlett."


will_scarlett June 24 2007, 23:14:49 UTC
Will's smile keeps getting larger, "Aye, sir, glad to 'ear it, told me she considered me like a little brother an was the first one I spoke to when I woke up."


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