
May 25, 2006 08:29

Piper walks into the bar with three things:
A wiggling toddler on her hip, an older toddler holding her other hand and a big smile.

Once through the door Piper leads the two little ones by the fire.

She's looking for Prue. She wants her sons to know their other aunt.

paige halliwell, zevran arainai, piper halliwell

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the4thsister May 25 2006, 18:31:41 UTC
Of course Paige hasn't actually met her newest nephew yet, in fact she only found out about Chris a few weeks ago, so as she sees her sister with two children she literally runs over grinning like a loon.

"Wyatt!" she says happily crouching on the floor beside him then looking up at Piper and Chris, "I'm guessing this is our future whitelighter then?"


mommywitch May 26 2006, 18:48:32 UTC
Piper is already standing and looking around.

"He. Keeps. Doing. This.

You go upstairs; I'll look down here."


the4thsister May 26 2006, 18:50:41 UTC
Paige nods eagerly and orbs upstairs to look for Wyatt, it was probabl a good think Paige was always part whitelighter.


mommywitch May 27 2006, 05:18:39 UTC
Piper places Chris on the floor.
"You wanna help me find your brother, yeah? Can you sense him?"

Chris, eager to be helpful, rushes off!
Piper, highly skeptial, follows him, peering behind booths and chairs and on the way.

Chris goes behind Bar and rummages in a small hole.
In a few minutes Piper (who had him in her sights the entire time) comes up behind him. "What'd you find there, buddy?"

Chris continues to rummage. Straaange sounds come from the hole.
Piper raises an eyebrow and gets down next to the hole.

Finally Chris comes out triumphantly with a bunny.

Piper's eyes widen.
"Chris. Give Mommy the bunny."

He pouts. MY bunny. I found him. You get your OWN bunny.

"I'll get you another bunny.
This one's not.
Or might not be.

Chris clings to the possible demon bunny.


the4thsister May 27 2006, 12:32:58 UTC
At this point Paige returns to the bar with a clean Wyatt held very tightly, "don't ask me hoiw but he foudn my room," she replied before eyeing the bunny in Chris's arms warily.

"I um...crap?" is pretty much all she can say.


mommywitch May 27 2006, 14:34:20 UTC
Wyatt looks down at his little brother and the bunny, intrigued.
Chris loks up at Wyatt and shows him the bunny. "Bun'y!!"

Piper makes a grab at the fuzzy. Chris hold him tighter and starts to cry in the Mommy's trying to take my TOY! type of way.
She sighs silently and moves closer to Chris and touches his back. "Chris, honey, you need to give Mommy the bunny. It's not a nice bunny."


the4thsister May 27 2006, 22:47:33 UTC
"You want me to orb it?" Paige asks worried, putting Wyatt down and crouching so she's about on Chris's level.

"Nasty bunny!" she tells him, "I'm sure we could get you get you a better one."


mommywitch May 28 2006, 03:26:26 UTC
Piper sighs, running her fingers through her hair.

She glances at Wyatt, then Chris, then the bunny.
"Yes, I guess you'd better."
Tears now is better than demon bunny effects later.


the4thsister May 28 2006, 13:51:06 UTC
Paige nods and says "bunny!" as it appears in her hands, she holds it at arms length for a moment as she works out what to do with it, "I'll just take this back out into the forest I'll be right back."


mommywitch May 28 2006, 13:57:49 UTC
Piper has blasted one before and was ready to do so again..but then again probably best not to blast the boy's beloved pet.

Which, speaking of, Chris is WAILING SO VERY MUCH.
Piper pulls him into her lap. In soothing mommy tones, "It's okay. It's okay.."


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