
May 25, 2006 08:29

Piper walks into the bar with three things:
A wiggling toddler on her hip, an older toddler holding her other hand and a big smile.

Once through the door Piper leads the two little ones by the fire.

She's looking for Prue. She wants her sons to know their other aunt.

paige halliwell, zevran arainai, piper halliwell

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the4thsister May 25 2006, 18:31:41 UTC
Of course Paige hasn't actually met her newest nephew yet, in fact she only found out about Chris a few weeks ago, so as she sees her sister with two children she literally runs over grinning like a loon.

"Wyatt!" she says happily crouching on the floor beside him then looking up at Piper and Chris, "I'm guessing this is our future whitelighter then?"


the4thsister May 26 2006, 14:37:49 UTC
Paige ruffles Wyatt's hair and orbs another spoon over to them from Bar and hands it to him, "there you go Wyatt, but no stealing all the marshmellows, 'kay?" she says as they both dig in.

"So how's everything going back home?" she asks Piper as she watches the boys enjoying their treat.


mommywitch May 26 2006, 14:48:38 UTC
Chis reaches for the spoon when Piper offers him another bite.
I BIG boy, Mommy.
Amused she gives it to him and he proceeds to get it allll over his face.
..and some in his mouth.
Piper shakes her head slightly and smiles.

Looking back up at Paige, "Things are good. It's nice to have Leo back. It's also nice to know things are going to be okay.."

Wyatt happily gets himself some ice cream and only manages to do slightly better than his brother at keeping it off of himself. Although he does manage to get more in his mouth.


the4thsister May 26 2006, 14:52:49 UTC
She reaches for two napkins and wipes Wyatt's mouth as he struggles, cos OMG Auntie Paige trying to clean me up! The hands one to Piper.

"Yeah I'm glad you've got him back and that we're not dead anymore." she says taking a deep breath, "I should really spend more time back home, I think maybe Dave's left."


mommywitch May 26 2006, 15:20:49 UTC
Piper takes the napkin and wipes his face, which, like his brother, Chris very much disagrees with.
Then she sticks it under his collar as a makeshift bib and turns back to Paige.
"Dave's left?"

Chris, realizing that Mommy's attention is not on him, snatches the bib out from under his collar with one hand (IT ITCHES!!) and then attempts more ice cream with the other.

It goes right down the front of his his shirt.
"Uh-oh!" He says happily.


the4thsister May 26 2006, 15:27:27 UTC
She shrugs, "I think he might have, I've not seen him in ages," she says clearly a little upset by this fact but she's not going to dwell on it.

She watches the ice cream fall and winces, "mental note, ice cream and toddlers don't mix so well, sorry Piper."


mommywitch May 26 2006, 15:43:30 UTC
"I'm sorry, honey."

Looking down at her youngest son's mess Piper closes her eyes briefly and takes a long deep breath.

"It's okay.
It'll wash."
It might be somewhat forced but she's trying.


the4thsister May 26 2006, 17:32:09 UTC
"It's okay," she assures her "and I could ask Bar for a change of clothes for him if you'd like."


mommywitch May 26 2006, 17:49:13 UTC
She smiles slightly.
"No, they'll need a bath by the time this is done anyway."

Some ice cream is slung in her hair by the youngest member of the family, who's getting veeeery excited about this ice cream stuff.
"And I might too."

Wyatt eats his ice cream micheviousinnocently.


the4thsister May 26 2006, 17:51:52 UTC
"I have a room upstairs if you wanna go use it after this," she offers trying very hard not to laugh.


mommywitch May 26 2006, 18:03:05 UTC
Piper is trying to look unamused.
She is finding it hard to do so with ice cream being slung over her face, however.
She gently takes the spoon from the toddler, who pouts.
"No thank you, I have-" She stops abruptly and considers. In the beginning the entire reason for getting the room was to get some time away from her sisters. Even though that's not as pressing anymore it is nice sometimes...
"I mean. Sure, that'd be nice."

Chris, meanwhile, has stuck his hands directly into the melting ice cream and smacks his hands in it happily, sending ice cream flying all over the table, himself, Piper, and a bit on Wyatt and Paige.


the4thsister May 26 2006, 18:09:35 UTC
Paige raises an eyebrow at her sister as she stops speaking but decides not to push it.

She then sighs heavily as she gets covered in ice cream, "you knew this was would happen didn't you?" she asks, "this is your way of telling giving them ice cream is a bad idea isn't it?"


mommywitch May 26 2006, 18:22:03 UTC
There's an amused smile in Piper's eyes, although her tone is very 'I'm the Oldest and I know these things.'

"All I'm saying is that messy things, especially messy sugary things and toddlers don't usually mix. You haven't even seen how hyper they're going to get."


the4thsister May 26 2006, 18:27:09 UTC
"I just wanted to treat them," she says with a slight pout, "but don't worry I'll help you keep an eye on them once the sugar kicks in."


mommywitch May 26 2006, 18:37:57 UTC
Piper smiles.
"I know you did, sweetie; it's okay."

Wyatt takes the distraction of the grownups to orb himself away.
Magical hide and go seek.


the4thsister May 26 2006, 18:44:45 UTC
She blinks several times at the empty space where Wyatt had been, "Um...Piper?"


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