Title: Buzzed Characters/Pairings: Tim/Bart, Kon Rating: PG Words: 629 Summary: Bart has an unusual reaction to Red Bull. Author's Notes: Young Justice-era silliness. Happy Birthday, shananagin! Hope you enjoy!
Hummingbird is like the most adorable name for Bart ever.
This was priceless. I do want to see that rabbit/turtle race though. But I'd watch Bart, he'd probably zip the turtle to the finish line just to make sure he wins.
Yeah, I got it from you (consciously or not)! It really fits the two of them.
Random thought, but I always loved the way Logan had a pet name for each of the kids in your fics. He's not the huggy type, obviously, but it showed he cared. :)
I can't take credit for Logan's pet names (at least not the concept of his having them) -- he did that for most of the kids in Evo. I just gave him some for the ones he didn't. XD
Comments 18
I love the line about Tim telling Kon to clean up the mess. They sound like an old married couple TWO REALLY GOOD FRIENDS.
I love Bart. And hopefully all our boys will be together again soon. Like, real soon. :D
Glad you liked it!
This was priceless. I do want to see that rabbit/turtle race though. But I'd watch Bart, he'd probably zip the turtle to the finish line just to make sure he wins.
Great story, Ray!
Random thought, but I always loved the way Logan had a pet name for each of the kids in your fics. He's not the huggy type, obviously, but it showed he cared. :)
Glad you liked it!
Glad you liked it!
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