Misc Fandom Recs

Sep 18, 2006 17:30

I'm working on rec lists for the pairings I've read the most of, but I've got a few random fandom recs too, so I thought I'd gather those into one post. List will be added to as I work my way through my book marks :)

Pirates of the Carribean recs )

potc, recommendations, mary renault, sherlock holmes

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Comments 7

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miladyhawke September 19 2006, 00:55:24 UTC
Ah, thank you! I knew there was something I forgot :) Glad you got a kick out of it.


feenie September 19 2006, 04:11:23 UTC
People slash Holmes/Watson!?!?! I'm not surprised but...still. Is that a big following???


miladyhawke September 19 2006, 06:30:09 UTC
LOL!!11! Yeah, I can understand the chagrin - he just seems so proper and asexual and Victorian and whatnot. You really wouldn't think it of him. But... people have been psychoanalyzing Holmes for decades, and the evidence for Holmes being gay is actually quite compelling - good bit of scholarship on the subject. And then it's just natural in a way too, that people would slash them; it's such a close, trusting, sweetly domestic relationship between two bachelors living together. They're just adorable *happy sigh*

Decent-sized H/W following, I would say, though the fandom in general isn't that big. You definitely can't be in the fandom without running into the slashers everywhere :)


mundungus42 September 19 2006, 04:21:36 UTC
Oh, Holmes was definitely my preferred poison this evening, and these recs fit the bill perfectly. Out of curiosity, how do you find your Holmes fic? Is there a list you can suggest I haunt?


miladyhawke September 19 2006, 06:18:48 UTC
Oh, excellent - glad to get a bite on the Holmes fic *G*

I've got a couple good places you can start, although I'm afraid there isn't a whole ton of outstanding H/W out there.

Best place to start is in the crack_van memories
here. That'll give you the best quality, as it's a rec comm, and the standard there is unusually high - all of those authors are great, and you'll even recognize a few BNFs from Harry Potter fandom ;)

A lot of what's at Sacriledge isn't bad either, some of it actually very good.

The LJ comm for H/W is called cox_and_co. The quality varies, but that's true anywhere.

Same goes for the Yahoo group for the pairing: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/holmesslash/

That should keep you busy a while - enjoy! *g*


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miladyhawke September 19 2006, 18:28:52 UTC
Welcome! And you must be loving today then too *G* Off I go to check my flist and see if there's an explosion of Piratey goodness :)


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miladyhawke September 19 2006, 21:37:46 UTC
The icon does seem to have that effect on people :-P


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