Title: Jealousy
Series: Prince of Tennis
Pairing: ShishiTori, Tori/?
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: chapter = 5047 fic so far = 76,524
Summary: Sometimes you don't appreciate the value of what you've got, until you don't have it any more.
That was about the least platonic-looking thing I've ever seen anybody participate in while fully clothed and in public. )
Comments 73
I so love you right now. ^^ And I'm so totally out of words, so pardon for stupid fangirling. :D
Last line was so much love. <3
I'm actually somewhat sorry, that this is going to finish soon, I've been really enjoing reading this.
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*eyes your icon* Given the text... do I WANT to accept the cookies you offered in the previous post?
<.< ... >.> what server are you on?
More soon I hope!
...I mean. There there Chou-chan. u_u;
SEX NOW PLEASE KTHX!!!! ^______^
That was so wonderfully done. So emotional and gripping and just . . . wow. I bow down to your almighty angst skills.
but damn I feel SO bad for Amano. Like whoa. ;o; True, some of the things he did/said were really shitty, but just . . . gods. Poor boy. Love is cruel, ne? ^_~
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