I havent updated in a while!

Aug 02, 2004 11:26

So yeah my AC broke and im hot as fuck! I mean come on dude why cant my AC break when its cold outside! I mean its true what people say "When it rains, it pours!" Dude its humid as fuck dude! The nerve in my leg still hurts and its probably even worse now cause it even hurts when i lay down, before it would only hurt when I would sit up. Anyways ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

_brunette August 2 2004, 09:51:57 UTC
I'm so happy you and Erika are together!


erikababy54 August 2 2004, 10:08:59 UTC
ty love <3


mike_ownz August 2 2004, 10:36:46 UTC
Thankyou!!! Im soo happy we're together as well!!!


ur_own_disaster August 2 2004, 10:23:10 UTC
if the woman is sick there is no question about going there and taking care of her.

chicken soup + flowers works best.


mike_ownz August 2 2004, 10:38:30 UTC
Well considering that Erika doesnt like Chicken soap (or any type of soup for that matter), I think i'll stick to the vaporizer and TWISTER lol!!! And some PINK ROSES TOO!!! LMAO!!! I love you E!!!!


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