I havent updated in a while!

Aug 02, 2004 11:26

So yeah my AC broke and im hot as fuck! I mean come on dude why cant my AC break when its cold outside! I mean its true what people say "When it rains, it pours!" Dude its humid as fuck dude! The nerve in my leg still hurts and its probably even worse now cause it even hurts when i lay down, before it would only hurt when I would sit up. Anyways the weather is shitty as hell, it was stormin all night, but atleast it brought in a good breeze! =] So yeah my baby is sick as fuck too, my poor little booboo! I should go over and take her the vaporizer and TWISTER!!!! H00T! Yall dont know about that!! (Me and E see eye to eye) Im out of school until the 25th and I got a B in DEP2000...And well this is the last week of work until regular school begins! I cant wait until that happends I miss all my kids during the year, and all my kids from last year are going into middle school (I hope all goes well for them) Well thats pretty much the current status of my life! I miss my babe shes taking a nap cause shes sicky poo! I love you mookita!!! MUAH!!
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