
May 15, 2011 11:34

[It's some ungodly hour of the morning when Nami finally wakes up, sprawled uncomfortably across overturned barrels. Huh. Nice of the Malnosso to dump her back in the orchard again. A brief scrabble around with the one unbroken lantern shows the climatact is gone, and she hopes that just means one of her crew came out this way and took it home with ( Read more... )

probably should be sleeping, stupid droids, overthinking it, juuust action, somewhat unhappy, if you go out in the woods today, fml, bite me malnosso 8|, always wanted to swim in alcohol, place sucks more than usual, action, it's 2am and all's well, thunderstorms predicted

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Comments 237

poppetry May 16 2011, 22:49:06 UTC
[ ... is that some familiar orange hair she spots out and about in town? not that she knows Nami is heading to Good Spirits. But considering what happened last time she saw her ... and how long it's been ... ]



mikangirl May 17 2011, 03:54:48 UTC
[Glancing back curiously for a moment-- and then she breaks into a smile. It's a little tired, but genuine.]

Xion. Hey.


poppetry May 17 2011, 04:01:59 UTC
[ ... grins, and trots over to her. ] Hey, Nami. Long time no see. How are you?


mikangirl May 17 2011, 07:04:34 UTC
Mmm, getting there. I've been busy up at the orchard. What about you? [Because you seem a lot happier than the last time she saw you, so one hopes you worked things out with Luke >>]


alabastajewel May 22 2011, 04:55:27 UTC
[Vivi has never been a very deep sleeper in the first place, and the past few weeks, her sleep has been fitful at best. Nami opening their bedroom door and closing it behind her is enough to stir Vivi from her slumber, though she's not sure at first what has woken her. She doesn't even open her eyes, used to waking several times a night by now, and only gives a wordless murmur as she adjusts her cheek on the pillow, trying to get right back to sleep ( ... )


mikangirl May 22 2011, 10:48:13 UTC
[Nami sits on her own bed for a few moments before she stirs herself-- meeting Zoro in the living room has made her pulse jump-- she wasn't ready for it-- and she holds herself still until her nerves calm down, listening to the soft rainfall outside.

Then she pulls the covers back, intent on crawling into bed, and freezes halfway through the motion as her eyes wander to check the other bed and realise her roommate is sitting up in the dark. She thinks. Maybe she's seeing things.]

...Vivi? [Her voice is soft and tired, and not entirely level.]


alabastajewel May 22 2011, 13:09:10 UTC
[Her answer is scarcely above a whisper, though clearly she doesn't have to worry about waking Nami anymore. It just doesn't seem appropriate not to speak in a hush right now] Yes. I'm sorry; I heard you come in, but I don't mean to keep you awake. I'm sure you must be tired... [She frowns, squinting through the darkness at Nami's shape.] You're all right, aren't you?

[Dimly she registers the sound of rain still falling outside--the sound had lulled her to sleep earlier, so she'd stopped hearing it consciously, but now she belatedly realizes what that must mean for Nami. In fact, their room smells of damp, faintly, and further squinting at Nami's silhouette shows her hair pasted flat to her head. Vivi throws back the covers and swings her legs out of bed, wordlessly crossing their room to the dresser.]


mikangirl May 22 2011, 14:14:42 UTC
I'm all right. [The words are soft, but she tries to put some reassurance into them. She supposes she could find out later that something's wrong, but right now all she feels is exhausted, and she tracks Vivi's path across the room drowsily. She hasn't quite made the jump of logic that Vivi has, but her actions are enough that Nami doesn't slide under the covers just yet.] I'm a little hazy, that's all.

[She blinks owlishly, once, twice, before adding:] 'm sorry I worried you.


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