
May 15, 2011 11:34

[It's some ungodly hour of the morning when Nami finally wakes up, sprawled uncomfortably across overturned barrels. Huh. Nice of the Malnosso to dump her back in the orchard again. A brief scrabble around with the one unbroken lantern shows the climatact is gone, and she hopes that just means one of her crew came out this way and took it home with ( Read more... )

probably should be sleeping, stupid droids, overthinking it, juuust action, somewhat unhappy, if you go out in the woods today, fml, bite me malnosso 8|, always wanted to swim in alcohol, place sucks more than usual, action, it's 2am and all's well, thunderstorms predicted

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Comments 237

tintobrat May 15 2011, 02:23:58 UTC
[Tonight, Lilly is hitting the drinks HARD. She's already got three tall, empty glasses next to her. She's working on number four. And why not? Zack is pretty good at making iced tea now and it's not like she gets charged for it.

Lots of sugar. Lots of caffeine. So many lemons.]


mikangirl May 15 2011, 02:41:39 UTC
[Oh hello, familiar face. Well. It takes a while before Nami decides to leave the shadowy corner she's in, but one must get more alcohol eventually. She's not sure whether she's in the mood for talking with Lilly, of all people, but that doesn't stop Nami taking a seat to her, casually ordering another round of drinks. She's been on her own for a while. May as well at least say hi.]

...hi, Lilly.

[Mission accomplished.]


tintobrat May 15 2011, 03:17:15 UTC
[She picks up on that reluctance to talk. At this point it's not surprising. She's not exactly Miss Popular in Luceti. So she's sort of grateful to have Nami actually greet her, while annoyed at the fact it's probably her being charitable.]

Oh, hello. I haven't seen you around in awhile.


mikangirl May 15 2011, 03:44:29 UTC
[What, Lilly not popular? What have you been doing?]

Been busy. [You know, avoiding everyone ever. And not talking about the Malnosso. Screw them.] I have to look after an orchard, now. It takes me out of town a lot, I guess. And before that I was sailing.

What about you?


sonatas_edge May 15 2011, 02:36:36 UTC
[He only ever goes to the Good Spirits bar at times he thinks there won't be that many people around. This is because the only reason he has for going there is to play the piano. And that is something he does not do for the entertainment of others.

So he'll be there when Nami arrives, she'll be able to hear him playing through the door, but once he notices her come in, he'll stop. He especially doesn't play for sisters friends.]


mikangirl May 15 2011, 03:01:47 UTC
[...ah. You know, oddly, her views on Soul didn't get hit by the awkward going around. Probably because you'd been relegated to little brother status anyway. :| Though she blinks as she glances at the piano.]

I didn't take you for a pianist.


sonatas_edge May 15 2011, 03:08:14 UTC
[When he'd seen her come in, he hastily cut the song off and turned on the stool to face her. He rubs the back of his neck, glancing down at the keyboard.]

... I'm not. I just play sometimes. [Looking back at her and standing up.] Haven't seen you lately. [His expression says "you alright?"]


mikangirl May 15 2011, 03:46:56 UTC
Playing sometimes makes you a pianist. [Counter. :| But it's not really that important. If he's uncomfortable with it, she'll just jump subjects, sinking into a seat close by the door.]

I've been busy. [She sees that look. After a second, she smiles. Maybe reassuringly, who knows. She tries for reassuring. She suspects it looks tired. >>] It's been an interesting month.


fallenambitions May 15 2011, 03:38:39 UTC
[Alexei will be catching her during the afternoon at the orchard. He was making his way to the orchard, carrying a few books in his arms like usual. This time there was a book on machines found on Earth along with the usual origami guide he had been borrowing for a while. As he entered, he heard a ruckus coming from the direction of the shed. He...honestly shouldn't be surprised to see who was there, but he was.

...Whether he was thinking it or not, he was already moving over to the shed]

You've returned. When?


mikangirl May 15 2011, 04:14:46 UTC
[Nami freezes briefly as he speaks, crouched down on the ground as she picks up pieces of broken glass from one of the lanterns, before she continues on with what she's doing. She doesn't even look up. Guess he's been coming here a lot, if he noticed.]

Last night. [She tosses the broken glass into a box with the rest of the damaged goods, and strives for a lighter tone.] Don't you have a home or something?


fallenambitions May 15 2011, 04:25:33 UTC
[No man, he just knows. He's a ninja or something.]

If you don't want me coming here, then just say so.


mikangirl May 15 2011, 05:18:43 UTC
And you'd actually pay attention, would you? [Putting the box aside to lean back against the wall. She's not recovered fully; it's tiring work.] I don't recall saying I didn't want you coming here. I'm just surprised to see you up here so often. [She's curious. Sue her. :|]


threeswordsoul May 15 2011, 09:36:38 UTC
[Three guesses who's awake at an hour past Ungodly O'clock that morning. The first two don't count.

As a matter of fact, for the past two weeks Zoro's pretty much been deep-meditating more often than actually sleeping, which is a strong indication of his general state of affairs. He's been sitting in a loose lotus on the living room couch basically all night.

His eyes slit open at the sound of the back door opening-he could use a break, so random crewmates, roving itinerants, even some kind of idiot thief enemy attack wouldn't be unwelcome. When he recognizes the normally-light, currently dragging footsteps-that crewmate!-it's too late to do much but blink wide and stare at Nami as she comes in.]



mikangirl May 15 2011, 09:53:40 UTC
[It's a mark of how tired she is that Nami fails to notice the living room is occupied; at least, not right away. It's a long trip back in the dark, and she was half-inclined to just sprawl under the mikan tree in the back yard rather than come in (you know, it's thirty less steps she has to walk).

She's halfway along the wall to the small set of stairs, fingers on the wall for balance, when she finally realises there's someone sitting there in the dark and her head turns sharply-- and then Nami stares right back at him.]



[She managed his name, at least.]


1/2 threeswordsoul May 15 2011, 10:09:14 UTC

You're back.

[...No shit she's back, back from -- ]


threeswordsoul May 15 2011, 10:10:20 UTC
[ --he shoots to his feet and takes a step forward, brows slamming down.]

Do you need Chopper?

[Some things are built deeper than current complications can reach. What kind of concern this is exactly, what shades might be crossing over, any hesitation: temporary non-issues, don't even occur. His nakama is just back from a kidnapping.]


slaying May 15 2011, 13:41:52 UTC
[ does someone need a bartender?

...what's your poison? ]


mikangirl May 16 2011, 01:20:50 UTC
Hey, Buffy. Can I have a Going Merry? [Don't mind her just sort of flopping down on a bar stool.]


slaying May 16 2011, 15:21:13 UTC
You absolutely can.

[ buffy's never been a mixologist on guy's level of skill and panache, but she tries very hard. a for effort. soon a drink is set in front of nami. ]


mikangirl May 17 2011, 00:59:45 UTC
Thanks. [She'll take it, that's for sure. Nami gives Buffy a tired grin.] How are things on your end?


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