+ I was really sick on Wednesday night so I had the last two days off work and man, man, man. It's been so nice, just to sleep. I went to bed somewhere around 8:30 and didn't get out of it until nearly 11 this morning :D:D:D I'd forgotten how good of friends sleep and I were, once
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Comments 15
Hope you're feeling better, though. ::coddles:: &hearts
Um. I think it fairly polite/kind to have explicitly stated what you may encounter within the fic (not plot points or anything too earth-shattering, mind. Just enough to know you'd be actually interested in reading the fic, yanno?) you're about to read. Though post a pairing ("classification" might be a better word?) in the warnings does seem a bit extreme, imho. Maybe it's a reflexion of the author's preferences? it's possible het doesn't really rock thir boat and thus they would personally appreciated it if they got such a warning before clicking on any fake cut... this, of course, is Major Ass speculation on my part, but the psychologist in me insists on seeing things everywhere. It's quite annoying, this kind of phases should come ( ... )
I absolutely cannot write Fraser's POV. I don't know what it is! I thought it may have something to do with his elevated language and all that, but that's not really it because I write the POVs of just-as-smart (or in the case of ST and Spock, much smarter) characters and IDEK. I guess it's because I can't pin his inner voice, beats the fuck out of me. 0_o
Yes, Fraser! Fraser is a many layered man. I always worry that I'm writing him too, straight, when I know for a fact that he can be - especially with Ray - very free and easy. Loll, easy.
( ... )
Those crazy kids. Ray in glasses ♥
(Of course, I also think warning for sex in general is kinda silly, too; it's like, just look at the rating. Sex is the default reason anything reaches NC-17 in fanfiction.)
Oh, fandom world. I don't know if I truly do want to understand you.
Sleep is good I agree.
Hmm yeah that is pretty weird. I wouldn't even take it as a warning, just categorising by genre. With mine I do often point out the het or slash; but then it's not always clear from the character names (unisex names, or not 'traditional' names at all). Not as a warning, just to categorise them by genre. But to do that, then outright put 'caution contains het' ... that's just stupid.
Yes know exactly what you mean. There's always at least one in every fandom.
Some of the characters I'm just don't gell with as personalities. And some I just get insecure with because they have such distinct personalities/speech patterns that are easy to mess up (e.g. Hawkeye in first person).
The only one that comes to mind is 'my beautiful laundrette' (not that I've read it yet). Beyond that, I'd like some recs too.
Really should get around to actually writing some of my own, that would help wouldn't it lol.
I hate writing in first person! I love third, though, which a lot of people can't get on board with. I don't know what it is about first. It just seems way too, I don't know, like I'm dictating, I can't do it.
There a community called the_slash_pile where people recommend original fiction. Amatuer stuff, but oftentimes really good. In case you didn't know about it :)
Yeah do know what you mean; I have to know the character so well it feels like they're dictating to me.
Oh cool, I'll check that out.
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