Fic: "The Needs of the Few" (17/23)

Mar 22, 2013 23:22

Title: "The Needs of the Few"
Canon characters/Pairing(s): Kirk & McCoy, Pike, Finney
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 7,701
Warnings: Foul language, political situations, military stuff.
Summary: As cadets on a summer internship, Kirk and McCoy are supposed to keep their eyes open and their mouths shut. As far as Bones is concerned, that’s just plain ( Read more... )

academy series, fanfic, rating: pg-13, star trek, tnotf

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Comments 6

rubymiene February 23 2013, 05:56:13 UTC
Yay, another chapter! You're really on a roll, aren't you?
I'm really worried about Jim. He's obviously hurt badly, and when Bones finds out how badly, he's not going to be happy.
And is the ambassador they're referring to Captain Porter, or the Kazarite ambassador? I bet Porter has been brainwashed somehow, and they knocked out anyone with telepathic ability to prevent detection...


sickbay23 February 23 2013, 11:23:24 UTC
thank you for fullfilling my wish so fast, this chapter is so full of angst and emotions, Jim can't believe it's Bones they send there to help Johann and Bones is angry and in sorrow about Jim and Johann. Bones trades himself against Johann to safe Johann's life and be with Jim. I hope Jim let Bones look after his injurance. Waiting eagerly for the next one. You are doing an amazing job. :)


rogueangel1998 February 23 2013, 15:44:11 UTC
Oh dear lord. Another cliff hanger!

Post soon, please.



alaria February 23 2013, 20:47:27 UTC
I'm loving how Jim and Bones are with each other and the complexity of the plot!


cmdr_zoom February 24 2013, 06:22:28 UTC
edge of my seat


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