Title: The Morning After {2/12}
Author: writingherhope/writingforthemoney @ff.net
Pairing: B/B
Rating: PG for now
Summary: Not exactly the 'morning after' you might be thinking, but still. One-shot for now. Just had to write it, wouldn't leave me alone until I did. B/B
Disclaimer: Not mine, I'm just borrowing them to create and build more unresolved sexual tension than in canon...I'll return them to Hart, FOX, and TPTB when I'm through.
A/N: So the 2nd chapter was my way of taking this 'one-shot' into a story...so it's not really another morning...
Chapter 1: The Morning After The Mid-Morning After
She was in her kitchen fixing herself a cup of coffee and refreshing Booth’s where she had drank most of it, when she noticed the empty bottles of alcohol, some of which she never remembered owning, in the trash. She smiled walking out of her kitchen sitting on the couch beside him, “So why did you stay the night?”
“I wanted to make sure you were going to be okay. You just kinda dropped during the second movie so…” he grinned at her.
“Oh, okay. Thanks…” She rolled her eyes raising an eyebrow, “and you were drunk off your ass.” At the look on Booth’s face she continued, “Next time, try hiding the trash a bit better.”
He smiled at her, “Well, I’ve gotta call Cullen, tell him I won’t be in today. And you’ve gotta call Cam and tell her the same.”
Brennan grabbed his arm, “Why?”
He leaned down toward her and smiled, “Because you’re hungover and I’m helping you recover. And before you say anything you are, I can tell. You can barely keep your eyes open and you’ve already winced twice when the TV got loud…and besides, after how much you drank last night, I’m surprised you’re even functioning right now.”
She loosened her grip on his wrist and sighed, "Fine." He went to get his phone when she added, "So...we're spending the day together? What exactly will we be doing?"
Booth turned his head, gave a lopsided grin and waggled his eyebrows.