Title: The Morning After {1/12}
Author: writingherhope/writingforthemoney @ff.net
Pairing: B/B
Rating: PG for now
Summary: Not exactly the 'morning after' you might be thinking, but still.
Disclaimer: Not mine, I'm just borrowing them to create and build more unresolved sexual tension than in canon...I'll return them to Hart, FOX, and TPTB when I'm through.
A noise woke her from her sleep state and she softly smiled eyes still closed, as a strange sense of warmth and comfort floated all around and within her body. Loving this new sensation and how relaxed she felt, she thought she’d lay there for a while longer; she could call into work later.
He looked at her from the door frame and smiled. Bones looked beautiful lying in her bed toned calves and strong thighs covered slightly by her satin sheets and long t-shirt, mouth turned up at one side, arms splayed above her head and her curls from the night before circling her head like a halo.
She sighed thinking that she probably needed to call Cam or Booth and tell them that she was going to be late today. Although, after last night she doubted anyone would be in on time and she had a pretty good feeling that Angela and Hodgins wouldn’t be in at all unless they had a case. She fluttered her eyes open and closed a few times, until she could adjust to the morning light. Reaching her hand she scratched her upper thigh, unbeknownstly moving the fabric of her t-shirt up giving her silent voyeur a grand view of her undergarment.
He saw that she was waking up and almost walked out of the room but seemed to be hypnotized by her beauty. He watched her hand softly move to her thigh and move the fabric covering her until he was graced with a lovely view of her striped pink underwear with bright pink lace. He smiled a bit and found himself trying to fight off a giggle only causing a cough instead; bringing her eyes to meet his.
She heard a sharp intake of breath and then a cough. Opening her eyes she found Booth leaning against her door frame, a cup of coffee in one hand and the other trying to cover his mouth; one finger above his mouth and the others below it, concealing yet revealing his smiling mouth. She took in his figure; strong biceps and pecs, gorgeous abs that made her want to run her hands over them. Her eyes moved further down his torso and found that he not only loved wild and crazy sock and ties, but boxers as well; his bright yellow, green and blue checked boxers clung tightly in all the right places. But then it came to her that boxers really didn’t cling to much that is unless … her mind was screaming at her, she was lying there half-naked in front of her incredibly hot partner while he looked at her very appreciatively, and his boxers were only further proof of that.
She didn’t move but spoke, “Morning…what are you…why are….?”
He smiled at her as he moved into the room, “You passed out last night, we were so tired after the FBI Ball and then the movie. However, I will promise you this; I closed my eyes while I helped you get out of your dress.”
She nodded at him and smiled, “Sure.” She found herself moving over a bit and silently telling him he could sit. He sat down and she grabbed the coffee cup out of his hands and took a long swig. He grinned.
Chapter 2: The Mid-Morning After