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Comments 51

rosetteroulette August 3 2011, 07:52:24 UTC
*^* Me likey.

Which circles do you like best? Also, I've seen that doujinshi with Austria lifting Hungary and her garter showing's cover before. How's the story (or pictures) like? :D


miezen August 3 2011, 08:39:38 UTC
The absolute best AusHun circles IMO are Today&Tomorrow and HiKick Bath. tandt mostly does safe for work stuff; theirs are the one on the top row 3rd from the left, the one with the really blue cover that's right next to the witch Hungary one, the one next to Merry Go Round, and the one under that. They also have a story in Laune und Sex Appeal (the anthology with Hungary in a bridal veil and little else), which is their only R18 work to date. They mostly do serious stories that are often kinda sad but with a happy ending. The mostly blue cover one has the most gorgeous kiss in the rain, and those 2 pages of that are in full color. One of them is about Austria being tsuntsun for Kittystria and Kittystria being bffs with one of Hungary's dogs (this was before kitty!Hungary was drawn). SO. CUTE ( ... )


rosetteroulette August 3 2011, 21:32:17 UTC
God, they both sound so awesome. *^* I hope I can one day have one of their doujins, if they're ever available.

And that doujin does sound pretty awesome. EVEN IF THEY FORGOT AUSTRIA'S SEXY MOLE. :(


miezen August 4 2011, 07:47:25 UTC
HiKick Bath stuff isn't too hard to find in stock on Toranoana usually! Ditto tandt. They both usually don't show up on sites that ship overseas or at cons, though, so you'd need a proxy. It's totally worth it though!

It really is amazing, even if the lack of Austria's mole breaks my heart.


museofepics August 3 2011, 12:00:30 UTC

... )


miezen August 3 2011, 13:46:35 UTC

Hmmm, I can't quite place if you mean Carnival (mostly bright pink cover, Hungary's in monochrome), Walzer von Blumen (one of the smaller size ones, Austria's also on the cover, light pink background), or a different one entirely. Derpderp. Now that I think about it the row thing doesn't rly work because of how the smaller sized books are placed.


museofepics August 10 2011, 15:02:37 UTC
I meant Carnival~(:


miezen August 10 2011, 19:37:43 UTC

Carnival is adorable and kinda weird. The first part of it is a bunch of cute Chibitalia time period stories, then the rest is Gakuen. There's a really cute 4koma of Hungary wearing kitty ears and Greece being unable to resist hugging her...and getting smacked for it because he surprised her from behind lol. So cute. There's something with Austria presumably commenting on how short her skirt is and France and Spain enjoying it too much. There's a bit with Prussia about to get killed for...something he probably deserved, too. Then a couple 4koma with Japan as a teacher.

The longest story in here is a Gakuen one with Hungary for whatever reason trying to take a picture of Austria and him resisting. She eventually succeeds, but then Austria surprises her by kissing her, then takes a picture of her face afterward, presumably to get even with her for it. It's so damn cute.


soraryuu August 3 2011, 13:16:29 UTC
I didn't even know that many AusHun books existed XD It looks like my LietPol collection lol
I miss collecting APH doujinshi but most of my fave circles closed their sites ): I'm not sure how to find new circles (I seem to have lost my doujin hunting knack)

Anyway...What happens in the one with Hungary in the wedding dress?


miezen August 3 2011, 13:54:23 UTC
I know, right? And there's actually a ton more out there, but I've gotten a lot pickier when picking up AusHun books that aren't R18 because of how much there is now. Most of it's fluff, though, and I want porn ;~; But that I've amassed 21 AusHun doujins is kind of an accomplishment~ That's a shame re; your circles, though ;~; I'd recommend some of my favorites, but...my favorites focus on Germans. Oops. Oh! If you ever do want some het porn, though, HiKick Bath has started to branch out with their ships. They're planning an Estonia/Ukraine book, and, while they've never done a whole book on it just yet, they do draw Belarus/Russia. I actually have one of their Russia/Ukraine books due to a sheer fluke (the way my friend who does Comiket pickup runs it, actually), and even that was good despite my general distaste for the pairing. Other than that, though, /WALL OF GERMANS ( ... )


soraryuu August 3 2011, 14:15:37 UTC
I do like Estonia/Ukraine, so I might check that out when it comes out XD I'm like with the Baltics how you are with the Germans lol I have more of a preference to fluff though. I just can't help my self from loving cuteness lol

What is the site for High Kick and that other AusHun circle you mentioned in an above comment? I do like AusHun too so I wouldn't mind browsing around :)


miezen August 3 2011, 14:50:20 UTC
Right now the Eestikraine is going to be a free book at Comiket 80, but HiKick Bath's free books have always been samples for upcoming books. The only question is if they plan on doing full on Eestikraine or another multipairing book. And yeah, I know how you are with Baltics bb ;3; I wish I at least paid more attention to Belarus/Russia circles, oops. And yeah, I love fluff, too, though I go for smut first. What I really like is smutty doujin that's also really cute and sweet ;3;

Sure! Here's HiKick Bath:
And here's today&tomorrow:

tandt also dabbles in some other ships and recently did an Eestikraine.

Oh, another noteworthy AusHun circle is Hayane Hayoki. I have a lot of their stuff and it's super cute and typically fluff.http://www


(The comment has been removed)

miezen August 4 2011, 07:54:15 UTC
Awww. Yeah, there's always scans!

I assume you mean the one in their devil doctor and nurse costumes? Oh I really like that one ♥ It's actually an anthology. Only the first story is Halloween related. For whatever reason devil nurse!Hungary wants to give Austria this huge enormous shot and he's all "do not want" and she pouts and gets all flirty and he loosens up and then...back to the shot ='|. Lizzy, hot as you are, I'm on Austria's side here. That thing is scary. The second story is Hungary, Prussia, and Austria as kids. Hungary has a kiddie crush and is more or less stalking Austria. It ends with Austria giving her Lake Balaton ;3; The third is something with Prussia being obnoxious and Austria throwing a cake at him and idefk. It's amusing. There's a novel portion, then a short one with Austria playing the piano and Hungary singing.


laifan August 3 2011, 17:40:31 UTC
...huh. Where do you get all these? Ebay? Woah that must be quite a doujinshi collection you got =O

Don't your parents browse your shelves |D;


miezen August 4 2011, 07:56:50 UTC
Mostly I use proxy service type things like mitarashi dango or miharu_hana!

Nah, they don't care. My room is a disaster anyway, trying to look at shit won't end well.


laifan August 4 2011, 11:36:36 UTC
Well that sounds efficient xD;

Oh I see. Were I in your place I'd be paranoid forever about them browsing my pron shelves.


miezen August 4 2011, 12:49:28 UTC
Awww D: yeah, I'm lucky that my parents are cool about my privacy. Also, my mom totally knows about this shit. So.


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