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miezen August 3 2011, 08:39:38 UTC
The absolute best AusHun circles IMO are Today&Tomorrow and HiKick Bath. tandt mostly does safe for work stuff; theirs are the one on the top row 3rd from the left, the one with the really blue cover that's right next to the witch Hungary one, the one next to Merry Go Round, and the one under that. They also have a story in Laune und Sex Appeal (the anthology with Hungary in a bridal veil and little else), which is their only R18 work to date. They mostly do serious stories that are often kinda sad but with a happy ending. The mostly blue cover one has the most gorgeous kiss in the rain, and those 2 pages of that are in full color. One of them is about Austria being tsuntsun for Kittystria and Kittystria being bffs with one of Hungary's dogs (this was before kitty!Hungary was drawn). SO. CUTE.

HiKick Bath is responsible for almost all of the ones that have Hungary topless or at least with her nipples showing on the cover. The only exception is the one on the top row right underneath the world/Hungary anthology. They also did the cover art for Laune und Sex Appeal and have a story in it. They do incredible smut. It's really realistic and nice. I love how they draw their women; curvy and voluptuous and not rail thin; Hungary's definitely got some meat on her, and their Ukraine is chubby ;3; They do do the teary eyes/crying during sex thing, but it's not excessive and Hungary's always clearly enjoying herself otherwise, and is often initiating the action actually. Also lol I have one of their Russia/Ukraine books and Russia cries in it, so. Also the only one that Hungary actually cries in rather than just getting tears around the corners of her eyes is the one called Loneliness, and the story to it (from what I can gather without knowing Japanese) is that Austria has been gone somewhere and Hungary misses him a lot, so she masturbates while pretending he's screwing her. She starts crying during it, but that's fair; she clearly really misses him ;;. Don't worry, though, he gets home right as she orgasms. Perfect timing.

Here's HiKick Bath's site if you want to explore it a little; their "illust" section has tons of standalone pictures, and "info" has doujin samples.

slflswdlas THAT DOUJIN. I adore it. The circle normally does Turkey/Greece and from what I can tell it's the only AusHun that they've done. It was the 69th doujin in my overall collection rofl. But just. It's really sweet and romantic, I think it's supposed to be their first time. A-Also there is cunnilingus. * ^ * My only complaint is something I recently realized that annoys the hell out of me; they forgot his mole =<.


rosetteroulette August 3 2011, 21:32:17 UTC
God, they both sound so awesome. *^* I hope I can one day have one of their doujins, if they're ever available.

And that doujin does sound pretty awesome. EVEN IF THEY FORGOT AUSTRIA'S SEXY MOLE. :(


miezen August 4 2011, 07:47:25 UTC
HiKick Bath stuff isn't too hard to find in stock on Toranoana usually! Ditto tandt. They both usually don't show up on sites that ship overseas or at cons, though, so you'd need a proxy. It's totally worth it though!

It really is amazing, even if the lack of Austria's mole breaks my heart.


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