Police and Helicopters, Oh My!

Sep 25, 2007 16:50

At around 3pm this arvo, six separate police cars came racing down our street.

Seriously, I was having an art lesson when there was the sound of a car moving very quickly down the road.

We live on a T section. The 'stem' of the road being the only way out for about 100 houses. We're surrounded by a park reserve and a very steep valley that goes down ( Read more... )

real life, !!!

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Comments 2

woolly_socks September 26 2007, 02:21:38 UTC
Gosh, drama! Nothing like that ever happens in our neighbourhood.


midvacent September 26 2007, 07:25:56 UTC
*nods* I used to to think nothing ever did in mine, things like this prove me wrong.


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