Police and Helicopters, Oh My!

Sep 25, 2007 16:50

At around 3pm this arvo, six separate police cars came racing down our street.

Seriously, I was having an art lesson when there was the sound of a car moving very quickly down the road.

We live on a T section. The 'stem' of the road being the only way out for about 100 houses. We're surrounded by a park reserve and a very steep valley that goes down to a train track.

One police car stopped at the T section and started signaling the others down either side of the road. There was this poor couple standing on the footpath getting yelled at by the officer saying "Get off the road! Get off the road!" They went and huddled in their car looking freaked out, as you can imagine.

A few minutes later you could hear a helicopter hovering over the place. I was getting all fidgety wanting to go and see and not wanting to go and see.

About 20 minutes later the helicopter had gone and all the police had left. Either they caught whoever they were after or the guy had made a run for it into the track that runs through the reserver park.

I wonder weather it'll be on the news?

real life, !!!

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