No, no Supernatural squee from this corner. It's just amusing to see so many posts with Styx's Renegade in the titles, and I've been shaking my head at my flist since about 10:05 p.m. last night
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Amen. When I was in the sixth grade I was aaaaallllll about Styx, especially Tommy Shaw. We would have ended up in a girly fight over him if we'd known each other back then. *g*
I don't have as much as their music as I used to, since everything was vinyl and lord knows where all of that went over the years, but what fond memories. :D
I had everything on vinyl, too! I didn't want the 8tracks because I wanted the big pics on the albums and the sleeves and stuff. (I made 8 track tapes of the albums to play on my Panasonic 8-track player - remember the colored ones with the plunger thingy on top to change the track and the tape would stick out the side? *g*)
I only have a couple of the actual CDs, (plus I lost a couple others that I did have once upon a time) and I used to have all of the albums on Mp3 before my great harddrive crash of 2002. One day, when I stop spending money on things like Manga and anime (*g*) I'll get the other CDs. But it's still not the same as the original vinyl and the big cardboard covers that opened and had funky flaps and designs. *sigh*
Gah, your journal is so much fun to read because we have all the same memories. I wasn't a huge Styx fan, but I have been known to sing Renegade at the top of my lungs whenever it comes on the radio.
Oh god. I'm about to embarrass the hell out of myself.
My very first "rock star" crush was actually on... John Denver. Heeee! I thought his voice was so beautiful that I used to cry whenever I heard it. *dies* My brothers used to tease the ever loving shit outta me about that. Oh man. I haven't thought about that for YEARS. I was also completely insane over The Beatles -- and especially Paul McCartney -- for a long time, starting at about age 12. That was my first fandom, as a matter of fact, and thank GOD there was no Internet back then because I wrote a ton of really horribly bad Mary Sue fic. My best friend was a big Bee Gees fan, and we used to spend hours arguing over which band was better. Gads.
*giggles* John Denver was awesome! In fact, back then, that was as close to 'country music' as I ever ventured. And he totally rocked with the Muppets! :-P
Beatles fanfic. *hee* I'm sure it was lovely. *snort* And I also thought Barry Gibb was cute, but Andy was still my fave, and I was rather affronted back then that the other three didn't let him into the band with them. (Heh - what did I know?!) But the Bee Gees versus the Beatles?? *gapes* Was she high?? :-P
My first rock star crush was Joe Perry. Of course, the song that made me fannish about music was REO Speedwagon's "Keep on Lovin' You." I'm not sure which of those is considered more shameful.
I wasn't a huge Styx fan, though I did enjoy "Paradise Theatre" as a pre-teen, and of course, "Renegade" is still awesome. I may have squeed out loud last night when it came on.
However, "Come Sail Away" just makes me think of Cartman now. *g*
Ah yes - he was definitely the hottie of Aerosmith, and I've never understood the Steven Tyler love. Must be the Lead Singer thing. :-P
You know, I think I was the only one of my friends who didn't own High Infidelity. I did like some of REO's music though, and I had the sheet music for piano. :-P
Oh god - Cartman's version is hilarious! It's one of Styx's biggest and most popular songs, but oddly enough, except for playing it on the piano, it was never one of my faves. Particularly on the Grand Illusion LP, my favorite song was Castle Walls (even though Tommy didn't sing it.)
I saw Styx in '79 too, though I was 17 and allowed to be there. They were my favorite group then, along with Queen. And Kansas. And Billy Joel, which was the first concert I ever went to.
I haven't seen this weeks SPN yet - is on my DV-R waiting. It's a decent show, though I'm not as much a fan as a lot of my flist.
Three more of my faves! You know, I met Billy Joel a couple of times. His nephew (on his first wife's side) was a friend of mine in high school. Never got free concert tickets though. Heh. Granted, I never asked either. But I did see him in concert twice. He's an amazing performer!
Comments 34
I don't have as much as their music as I used to, since everything was vinyl and lord knows where all of that went over the years, but what fond memories. :D
I only have a couple of the actual CDs, (plus I lost a couple others that I did have once upon a time) and I used to have all of the albums on Mp3 before my great harddrive crash of 2002. One day, when I stop spending money on things like Manga and anime (*g*) I'll get the other CDs. But it's still not the same as the original vinyl and the big cardboard covers that opened and had funky flaps and designs. *sigh*
Okay - so who was it for you? Who were your big 'rockstar' crushes? :)
My very first "rock star" crush was actually on... John Denver. Heeee! I thought his voice was so beautiful that I used to cry whenever I heard it. *dies* My brothers used to tease the ever loving shit outta me about that. Oh man. I haven't thought about that for YEARS. I was also completely insane over The Beatles -- and especially Paul McCartney -- for a long time, starting at about age 12. That was my first fandom, as a matter of fact, and thank GOD there was no Internet back then because I wrote a ton of really horribly bad Mary Sue fic. My best friend was a big Bee Gees fan, and we used to spend hours arguing over which band was better. Gads.
Beatles fanfic. *hee* I'm sure it was lovely. *snort* And I also thought Barry Gibb was cute, but Andy was still my fave, and I was rather affronted back then that the other three didn't let him into the band with them. (Heh - what did I know?!) But the Bee Gees versus the Beatles?? *gapes* Was she high?? :-P
I wasn't a huge Styx fan, though I did enjoy "Paradise Theatre" as a pre-teen, and of course, "Renegade" is still awesome. I may have squeed out loud last night when it came on.
However, "Come Sail Away" just makes me think of Cartman now. *g*
My first concert was Journey and I was 16 then, know.
You know, I think I was the only one of my friends who didn't own High Infidelity. I did like some of REO's music though, and I had the sheet music for piano. :-P
Oh god - Cartman's version is hilarious! It's one of Styx's biggest and most popular songs, but oddly enough, except for playing it on the piano, it was never one of my faves. Particularly on the Grand Illusion LP, my favorite song was Castle Walls (even though Tommy didn't sing it.)
I haven't seen this weeks SPN yet - is on my DV-R waiting. It's a decent show, though I'm not as much a fan as a lot of my flist.
Rock out!
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I'm not sure yet if I should be proud of my high scores or bothered that I recognise the names of everyone in ABBA.
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