Volume 86 / Issue 10

Oct 24, 2011 14:09

Volume 86/Issue 10
    Circulation: One thousand and nineteen. Welcome all!

    Note from the Mods: Please encourage friends on your friends list to join and send their news. If you have an announcement you would like to make, a fic you’d like to promote, a question you’d like to ask, we invite you to simply format it according to the rules on the info page and email it to middle_earth_news@yahoo.com. You do not have to be a member to post but we are an open community and encourage everyone to join now. Only the mods may initiate new posts but comments are encouraged.
    • From TORn:
    Hobbit in 5 - New Hobbit shooting locations, LEGO Hobbit Game & “4 Tanks” Ep 2 - On today’s show, we release some new ‘Hobbit’ shooting locations, Warner Brothers Interactive says a LEGO ‘Hobbit’ videogame is in the works, a new episode of “4 Tanks and a Healer” is up, and if you’re on the west coast make sure to check out LOTR in Concert!

    Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson: The Titans Behind ‘The Adventures of Tintin’ - In an exclusive interview in Paris, Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson reveal the secrets behind their first-time working relationship and the ambitious $140 million project that brings a beloved comics character to the big screen. “I speak very little French, [but] the review kept saying ‘Tintin, Tintin’ all over, and I asked my assistant, ‘Will you get me a translation?’ ” Spielberg recalls…

    Hobbit crews to hit the road in convoys - Hobbit fans, it looks like we’ve got us a convoy - a couple of them, in fact. Two convoys, each of about 200 vehicles, will leave today from Sir Peter Jackson’s Stone Street Studios in Miramar to transport vital gear for location filming. The New Zealand Transport Agency said it had been made aware that one fleet of 200 vehicles, mainly smaller trucks with caravans, but also some bigger trucks, would head to Hamilton for location shooting at Hobbiton in Matamata. The other convoy is off to Queenstown. It is possible to shoot at different locations at the same time because there are two Hobbit production units, one led by Sir Peter and the other by Andy Serkis. Hobbit publicist Melissa Booth declined to comment about the production going on the road

    Three New Video Vignettes for The Lord of the Rings: War in the North - Today, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment releases three new video vignettes for the November 1 game, The Lord of the Rings: War in the North. In each of three, one of the heroes in the brutal battle ahead is featured, with three facets of their character featured - the upgrading of skills, their inherent abilities, and their methods of defense….

    Lost Hobbit images get first showing - Previously unseen illustrations produced for The Hobbit by its author, J R R Tolkien, will be published for the first time this week. The paintings and sketches, which were not used when the seminal children’s novel came out in 1937, were recently discovered in the Bodleian Library, in Oxford.
    The pen and ink drawings and a series of watercolours, three of which are reproduced here, were discovered by researchers in material bequeathed by the author’s estate to the library in 1979.
    They were looking for material to mark next year’s 75th anniversary of Tolkien’s second book. The illustrations, together with the long-awaited film version of the book due to appear in cinemas next year, are likely to stimulate renewed interest in The Hobbit.
    Note from the Mods: We would like to invite the moderators of other fandom communities to become ‘reporters’ or ‘scouts’ for middleearthnews. All we ask is that you send us formatted updates on your own communities for posting here.

    tolkien_weekly (drabbles) updates:
    -- A Simple Misunderstanding (a very young Pippin, Paladin, OFC, Rating: G) by gamgeefest
    -- Harad Triumphant (Faramir, Aragorn, OMC, Rating: PG) and Nemesis Faramir, Aragorn, OFC, OMC, Rating: PG) by lindahoyland

    • From Faramir Fiction Archive:
    New this week at the Faramir Fiction Archive, the archive that welcomes all fiction and art in which Faramir plays a major part, be it gen, het and slash, of any rating, in any language:
    • Midwinter Swap 2011: It's that time of year again... your chance to read that one Faramir slash story you wished someone would write... and to return the favour by writing one for someone else.
      This year's timelines
      • Send us your request by Wednesday 2 November
      • Assignments will be sent out no later than Monday 7 November - this will give you over five weeks to complete your story
      • Stories need to be sent in no later than Tuesday 13 December noon GMT
      All stories will be posted at FaramirFiction.com on Midwinter, which we’ll celebrate a bit early this year on Sunday 18 December.
      [ Rules, Signup & All the stories from previous years ]
    • Artwork: Faramir's Adventure - comic by Minx (Rating: R; with Faramir & Aragorn; This started as a series of sketches to depict a Faramir hurt comfort mini story, and this is what it turned into. And then Iris encouraged a little commentary along side so here we go, the series of sketches and a little random text for them below that. It's a pretty corny little piece, regular Fara h/c :) ; Warnings: Slash
    • Artwork: By the river by Minx (Rating: R; with Faramir & Aragorn; Aragorn and Faramir spending an afternoon on a pretty pink blanket under a tree, watching the river; Warnings: Slash
    • Artwork: Faramir sees Boromir by Panyushina Irene (Rating: G; with Faramir & Boromir; Painted a scene when Faramir saw dead Boromir swimming in a boat
    • Under Pressure by RubyElf (Rating: NC-17; with Faramir & Legolas; With Boromir and the hobbits missing, an attempt on Arwen’s life that endangers Legolas instead, and an army gathering at Gondor’s southern borders, Faramir’s unique abilities are called upon to help defend Gondor even while those he loves most are in grave danger.; Warnings: violence, hurt/comfort; 40533 words)
    • Aftershock by Nerey Camille (Rating: G; with Faramir & Éowyn; The War of the Ring has ended, but danger is ever-present, as Pippin, Merry, Gandalf, Aragorn, Faramir and Éowyn find out. Written for the challenge Seven Elements Put Together, as a gift for the archive’s 7th anniversary.; 885 words)
    • The Gifts in Small Packages by December (Rating: R; with Faramir & Pippin, Aragorn; Pippin will never speak of it. And then he does. Added: Chapter 7; Warnings: angst, faintly AU.; 7775 words; Work in Progress)
    • Gone Fishing by RubyElf (Rating: R; with Faramir & Legolas; Legolas has been conspiring with Merry and Pippin to convince Faramir to take an afternoon to relax.; 1823 words)
    • Зимний сон by December and Cruisedirector (
      Rating: NC-17; with Faramir & Boromir; Ссылаясь на холод у себя в комнате, Фарамир залезает к брату в постель. Русский перевод / Russian translation of Winter Dream; Warnings: добровольный инцест между совершеннолетними братьями.; 3223 words)
    • Artwork: Morning by Raven22372 (Rating: G; with Faramir & Boromir; No idea how this came to me. Actually I was just experimenting with complementary colours and needed a motif. So...
    • If instead of these weekly updates, you'd rather hear about new Faramir fics and pics right away, you can friend faramirarchive
    • If you have gen, het or slash fiction or art featuring Faramir that you'd like to share, please contact us at admin@faramirfiction.com -- we'd love to have it!
    -- Archive Updates for the Week of October 21: OEAM News
    -- The Captain’s Daughter - Chapter 18: The Seamstress Shop and Chapter 19: The Wedding (Erkinbrand/OFC, Éomer, Grimbold & the Rohirrim, OFCs, OMCs, Rating: PG through R, Erkenbrand is given the position of Captain of the Éored in the West-Mark. He discovers his new adjutant is not what he expects. Can he save her from the nightmare that has become her life and finally find love?) by gwaelinn
    -- Any Good Thing (Erestor/Glorfindel, Rating: NC-17, Erestor and Glorfindel once again travel the Great East Road, and find a waif in need of some help) by aglarien1

    -- I ♥ [name] icons by hobbit_face
    -- 102 LoTR icons - movie and cast by lookslikerain
    -- Haldir icons by honorableshadow

    The Gentlehobbit From Little Delving, Part One (F/S, Rating: Mature, A mysterious stranger comes to town, and Baggins finds himself in the Lockholes, but Gamgee is ready to lend a hand in whatever way he can., and in the course of which discovers a new talent) by elderberrywine

    lotrips updates:
    LOTR RPS fics posted in November 2010fffc:
    -- Beginnings (Frodo, Sam (pre-slash) Rating: G) by bagma
    -- Race to Courtship (Dior/Nimloth, Rating: G) by silverstarspray
    • Via TORn Forums: Movie Discussion - The Hobbit
    Confirmed! Where the Unexpected Journey will end! - An article just came out which states: "A scene from the first of two Hobbit movies from Sir Peter Jackson is to be shot near Pelorus Bridge, 60 kilometres west of Blenheim, over 10 days in December."
    Then it states: "The Pelorus River will feature in a scene from The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey showing barrels plunging down the river during a perilous journey undertaken by Bilbo Baggins and the dwarves."
    Now it is Just about comfirmed that the first movie will feature the Escape from the elven-king's halls. It is also highly probable that he movie will end with Thorin bursting into laketown shouting, "I am Thorin, king under the mountain. I HAVE RETUNED!" Thoughts anyone?
    • Fromsilwritersguild:
    silmarlfan1 - Lost fic I read a fic somewhere, and i can't remember the name anymore. it's where mandos released Feanor early from his halls but turned him into a woman as a joke. He was hit on by Ingwion using a book written by Maedhros for swooning women, and then was later mistaken for Luthien by Thingol. oh and I think legolas fell in love with her too. could someone help me find it?
    Green Books QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Is there something Tolkien-related that has always mystified you? Do you wonder why the Eagles never show up until the very last possible second? Does it bother you that the Black Riders, while painted as so terrifying, seem to wield so little actual power for harm? Why does Sauron never come forth to do battle for himself? Couldn't he flatten all of Minas Tirith with one outstretched hand? Anything's game! The Tolkien "Know-It-Alls" at Green Books will do their level best to clear up any Tolkien mystery you can throw out.
    Today's BOOK question contributed by elanorgardner: What did Eomer called Aragorn when he learned that the Three Hunters had traveled 45 leagues in less than four days in pursuit of the Uruk-hai?

    All comments are screened so that only the mods can see the answers. Comments will be unscreened when the next edition is posted. Any comments on a different subject will be unscreened ASAP.
    • Our deepest modly thanks to those of you who continue to send in content for the newsletter. Thank you so much. We couldn't do this without you. ♥

    The mods would like to wish anyone having a special day the very best. Please send your special wishes to middle_earth_news@yahoo.com.
    (Link contributions are welcome)

    From grimnir1:

That’s it for this edition. Please send your formatted post for Wednesday’s edition by 8:00 a.m. (Eastern time) to middle_earth_news@yahoo.com. Thanks for joining us and tell your friends!
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