FIC Repost: Words/Silence/Flesh (LotRPS; VM/SB, DW/MO; Parts 18-24)

Oct 25, 2011 00:01

Title: Words/Silence/Flesh (Part 18-24/?)
Authors: Barb (savageseraph) and Galadriel (caras_galadhon)
Fandom: LotRPS
Pairing: Sean Bean/Viggo Mortensen(/Harry Sinclair), David Wenham/Miranda Otto
Rating: NC-17 overall.
Feedback: Always appreciated.
Disclaimer: Fiction. Absolutely did not happen. How would we know?
Summary: Sean's away, on break from shooting, and Harry's taken an interest in Viggo.
Warnings: Depiction is not endorsement.
Notes: savageseraph posted a short letter in her LJ (from Harry) with the intent of prodding me into working faster on a shared WIP. "Sean" responded in kind in my own LJ, and so began some friendly writer-to-writer taunting. ...Which rapidly and quite unexpectedly began to develop its own plot, spinning entirely off from the original story. Due to the odd genesis of this tale, it starts out metatexual and silly, then becomes progressively more serious and kinky.
    - Part 18: The Aftermath
    (The consequences continue to pile up, as rash actions are not so easily rectified.)

    - Part 19: Intermezzo
    (Miranda and Dave hijack the story while Harry plays his cards close to his chest, and Viggo swims erratically towards coherence.)

    - Part 20: Sleep is for the Weak
    (Bernard calls Harry's bluff, Dave tries some damage control, and Sean refuses to come in from the garden.)

    - Part 21: Whole Lotta Harry
    (Harry continues to be a frustrating bastard.)

    - Part 22: Flushed
    (Bernard attempts to cut through Harry's bull, Cate gets ready to collect on her bet, Dave and Miranda do some snooping, and Sean comes in from the garden.)

    - Part 23: Eviscerate and Dismember
    (Harry drops the facade, Miranda shares news with Cate and prods Sean, and Viggo writes a short note.)

    - Part 24: Bets and Regrets
    (Sean takes stock of more than just his garden while Bernard attempts to handle Harry, and Cate emails Miranda.)
A complete chronological listing of letters, including links and short synopses is available here.

Crossposted to sons_of_gondor, rugbytackle, fellow_shippers, nzstories.

fandom:sean bean, fandom:viggo mortensen, fandom:lotrips:vigbean, fandom:lotrips

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