
Jul 15, 2003 01:05

I'm not sure what happened here tonight. This wasn't at all what I was planning, but the characters grabbed some of those left over pygmy toasting forks and demanded to have their say.

Today was very bad day. Was also very good day. The good and bad were all snarled up in each other so that I'm not sure where one stops and the other begins.

Sean came back. Good.
Fight erupted at his house. Bad.
Sean tried to pummel Harry to bloody pulp. Very good.
Sean hurt Viggo by accident. Very bad.
Karl gone missing and won't call me back. Bad.
Dave kissed me. Good. Very good. Surprisingly good.

It's possible to tell a lot about a man from the way he kisses. Dave doesn't close his eyes. Never touches me at all, except with his mouth. First, his lips brush mine. Soft, hesitant. Teasing against mine, back and forth, until my hands tangle in his hair and hold him still, so I can bring our mouths together. Some men regard kissing as a necessary evil, a part of the "kiss, give the breasts a quick grope, then go for the gold" combo. Dave kisses like he could do just that all night long.

When it's over he smiles that lopsided smile. "You've been holding out on me, Mir. You kiss better than Eowyn," he says. And I laugh and tell him that we're even since he kisses MUCH better than Faramir. There's a sort of an awkward silence then, and he steps back, away from me. It's very quiet. Dave and Miranda, champions of wit and amusement, struck speechless? Our castmates wouldn't believe it.

We do complement each other. Dave's sense of humor is not as sharp as mine, and he turns it on himself as much as more than others. I've honed mine to a weapon; he uses his as a shield. Cate suspects that there is a lot going on underneath Dave's good humor. What he lets other people see of him. Of course, she says that about me and my wit too. Cate can be a real bitch friend sometimes.

Dave? Sure, he's quirky in an endearing way, like how he refuses to capitalize anything except names when he writes. And even though we might be on the set together all day, he sends me these really long e-mails at night. Messages full of brilliant things like "i'm going to type very quietly so as not to wake you" that make me smile. And....

And I simply must stop thinking about this. Absolutely REFUSE to consider relationship with movie husband, no matter how excellently he kisses. It would be far too cliche.

Alien shrubbery update:
Dry. Poor babies. Watered them before I came home.


You've reached Fran's voicemail. Leave a message, and I get back with you as soon as I can.


Um, Fran, it's David. Listen, I thought I should tell you I don't think Viggo's going to make that call tomorrow. You see, the doctor told him to take it easy for a few days. Actually, he wanted to keep Viggo overnight for "observation," but Viggo wouldn't stay. At any rate, I have to keep checking on him, which usually results in waking him up. He's still shaky, and well, I just don't think he's going to be of much use to you tomorrow.

Just thought you should know. Bye.



[Fran] David, are you ever going to put a message on your machine? Do you have any idea how annoying--

[Peter] Ask him about Viggo.

[Fran] You mentioned a doctor wanting to "keep Viggo overnight"--

[Peter] Were they at the hospital? Why? What happened?

[Fran] Peter, do you want to leave the message or shall I?

[Peter] No. Go ahead.

[Fran] Fine. David, please call, and let us know what's going on.


Head hurts. Pounding. Nausea crests with each pulse of pain. I remember Sean's fist coming at me. Don't remember anything else. Woke up in the car. Smelled Sean. Was just his jacket. Dave driving me to hospital. Have a bit of a concussion.

Have a jacket that smells like Sean. But no Sean. Where's Sean?

To: Bernard Hill < >
From: Harry Sinclair < >

Subject: Your Message


Good hearing from you! Hope that all is restful and relaxing in England. I would have called, but it was too late by the time I got your message. I didn't think that a 3:40 AM phone call was very polite.

Things are a bit hectic down here. There's been some bad weather that has buggered up the shooting a bit. Other than that, all is well.



To: david wenham < >
From: miranda otto < >

Subject: RE: sleeping?


Is this e-mail like when the person you're sleeping next to shakes you awake to ask you if you're asleep? You're going to be hanging about online all night, aren't you, geek boy? To stay awake?

You, uh, want some company? I mean staying up all night long is easier when you're not doing it alone. And...since I'm such a nice person (you may feel free to elaborate on precisely how nice at length), I'm willing to stop at The Wicked Bean and bring real coffee. And pastry. And since I don't have call tomorrow and you are without transport, I can drop you where you need, love.

What do you think?


Two of the cast of Peter Jackson's epic Lord of the Rings trilogy discovered how difficult being an epic hero can be. Viggo Mortensen (Aragorn) and Karl Urban (Eomer) were treated for minor injuries at the Karningul Hospital Emergency Room and released. The actors, many of whom are performing their own stunt work, have spent months training on weaponry and boating and horseback riding to prepare for their roles.

There is no word on whether this will have any impact on the filming schedule.

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