Reacquainting Myself with Life

Oct 08, 2014 22:08

For the year I worked at AXA as a financial advisor, I worked 50-60 hours per week. And yet that only describes the hours that I was actively doing something; it doesn't count the hours I spent thinking about how to approach my job, my next move, the best strategy. Even in moments when I was ostensibly doing something else, my brain was busy ( Read more... )

benefits of experience, exhaustion, aspirations, axa, financial planning

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Comments 8

ehowton October 9 2014, 10:30:35 UTC
I want to push myself in becoming a couch potato - just to see if its something I can do!


michelle1963 October 9 2014, 12:23:48 UTC
Part of my evening calm down routine is to put myself in front of the TV by 20:00. So far that is as early as I can manage. I keep finding myself compelled to attack the list of long-neglected chores - although it is finally getting shorter.

I have a very industrious friend, who nonetheless gives herself a marathon Breaking Bad day whenever she needs to catch up on rest. Smart lady. I would like to get to the place where I can do something similar and not feel that I should be doing something else. (Of course most of those shoulds are self-inflicted.)


suzanne1945 October 9 2014, 13:15:49 UTC
Even after being retired for 6 years, I struggle with the "things I should be doing". While I do allow myself the afternoon nap and TV by 8, I can't seem to let myself just blow off a whole day and do nothing. I wish you luck. Hopefully you will be more successful than I. I've wondered if feeling guilty if I'm not productive is a mechanism for such mental health issues as self-concept, depression, or just plain habit over a lifetime.


ehowton October 9 2014, 14:19:08 UTC
Sounds like you need a couple of 70-hour work weeks! After that, the "blow off a whole day and do nothing" gains a whole new perspective :)


codekitten January 3 2015, 20:09:53 UTC



michelle1963 October 10 2014, 01:25:18 UTC
Well, I was reading the other day that highly successful people schedule free time. I don't know if that's the same as lounging in front of the TV, but I have noticed I am less tired if I take it easy one day a week.

I think lately, I feel like I am making up for lost time in regard to "stuff around the house."


anonymous October 9 2014, 17:20:05 UTC
Yes, I've been there, but since my 60-65 hour weeks were spread out over 7 days, so I never found a day to blow off.


michelle1963 October 9 2014, 20:01:31 UTC
Yeah - that would be really tough. Although I at times worked 6 days per week, I knew I had to rest at least one day out of the week.


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