Reacquainting Myself with Life

Oct 08, 2014 22:08

For the year I worked at AXA as a financial advisor, I worked 50-60 hours per week. And yet that only describes the hours that I was actively doing something; it doesn't count the hours I spent thinking about how to approach my job, my next move, the best strategy. Even in moments when I was ostensibly doing something else, my brain was busy running scenarios in the background.

The new 40 hour a week job, that I leave at the office when I go home, seems like a veritable vacation - and honestly, at times somewhat boring. Boring is okay for now, because I need to recover from that mad, albeit enlightening year. Taking a big step out of one's comfort zone is always a learning experience. I feel like I am still processing the data.

It can be inspiring to make that leap and throw yourself wholeheartedly into a new endeavor. Becoming a financial advisor had been aspiration of mine for some time. And I made it happen. It makes no difference that it was not a good fit over the long term. It was the effort, the journey, the learning that made it worthwhile. I pushed myself and have a clearer picture of what I can do, my aptitude, and what I deem important because of it. There is much to be said for having the wisdom to realize when something has served its purpose, rather than hanging on beyond the point of benefit.

Now, I need to be able to breathe. I have resumed exercising, I pay attention to what I eat, I am catching up on long neglected chores around the house, I spend time with family and friends. You know, all the varied facets of life. Overall, I am no longer fatigued. Sure I get tired, but it's the normal tired that everyone has from time to time; not that heart-pounding exhaustion.

Funny thing though, and I don't know if I can adequately explain it, it's as if some parts of brain are still feeling just a wee bit sluggish, as if they need just a bit more time...

While I am still cataloging the many benefits of last year's experiences, I don't think I fully comprehended demands I made on myself.

benefits of experience, exhaustion, aspirations, axa, financial planning

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