durban ii: FAIL FAIL FAIL

Apr 21, 2009 23:19

Switzerland and the UN are pissing me the fuck off. Who in the upper echelons thought it would be a good idea to invite Mahmoud Ahmadinejad-racist, Holocaust-denier, president of Iran and all-round royal asshole-to give the introductory speech at the Durban II conference? AND schedule it on Israel's National Holocaust Memorial Day? Like, are these guys for real?

Proving that nothing says racial tolerance like Holocaust denial on Holocaust Memorial Day, the UN has invited President of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to speak. [source]

The UN is the primary miscreant here; after all, it's Ban Ki-moon who had the sterling idea of inviting Ahmadinejad over to kick off the party. Which just, ugh, I cannot even say HOW stupid that idea is. But Switzerland is nearly as bad: it didn't even blink before playing the gracious host to someone who's basically a world-class terrorist. And the president, Hans-Rudolf Merz, is totally giving off the impression he's Ahmadinejad's new bff.

So much for fucking neutrality. READ THE MEMO, SWITZERFAIL: did you miss the part where Ahmadinejad claimed that the Holocaust was just a "pretext of Jewish suffering" fabricated as an excuse to found Israel, and that "Zionism personifies racism"? How about the bit where one of his entourage called Eli Wiesel-Holocaust survivor and winner of a Nobel Peace Prize-a Zio-Nazi?

FUCKING FUCK. You just don't do something like this. You don't endorse it, you don't ignore it, you don't excuse it, and you certainly don't sweep it under the carpet, on the Holocaust Memorial Day, of all days. And yeah, okay, it's Israel's memorial day, not the international one, but excuse me for one fucking second if I have the chutzpah to say that YEAH, in Israel the subject of the Holocaust is slightly touchier than it is in other countries. You know. Just a bit.

Switzerland and Ban Ki-moon don't seem to comprehend the concept of 'silent endorsement'. Sometimes, lack of protest is all the encouragement needed. You'd think just playing it safe and saying nothing would be harmless, right-but wait, let me think; where else did inaction lead to horrifying disaster? OH HEY, does anybody remember the Évian Conference? How about a little something called World War II?

Looks like Switzerland is reverting back to its old anti-semitic ways. And then when Israel temporarily recalls its ambassador back to the homeland, Merz "deplores the excessive language used in this context by different Israeli representatives."

UH-HUH. OBVIOUSLY, WE'RE THE ONES OVERREACTING. Because come on, seriously-it's just the world's most notorious Jew-hater calling for Israel's downfall and saying the Holocaust is a bunch of lies, on our HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL DAY. And then going to a formal dinner, getting a standing ovation from more than 80 dignitaries and political leaders who attended the conference, and discussing potential treaties. Shaking hands and smiling for the cameras. Harassing the local Jews. All in a day's work, right? WHY DO YOU JEWS HAVE TO GO AND MAKE A BIG DEAL OUT OF EVERYTHING, SHEESH.

Fuck this. Holocaust Memorial Day is always a painful affair for me. I was going to post a Kings recap, but I spent the last 18 hours alternately crying my eyes out, seething with sick fury, or trapped in some nauseating combination of both. I can't crack faggot jokes when shit like this is going on, not on this day of all days. Anti-semitic racism in an anti-racism conference on the one day dedicated to anti-semitism-it's just too much to take.

Things like this make me wish I could go live on another planet. At least until this one shapes the fuck up.

fail et cet, israel, politics, into the matrix, rants, what the fucking fuck

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