
Jun 13, 2010 14:47

How much is enough ( Read more... )

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Comments 12

the_karen_show June 13 2010, 22:42:38 UTC
i'd say that's MORE than enough. seriously.


miafedup June 13 2010, 22:46:32 UTC
Yea, I'm with you.
Thanks Karen!
Coworkers, they are so freaking tricky.


i_am_sarah June 13 2010, 22:47:29 UTC
That would be enough for me! Is this Marnie you're talking about? I saw she's not listed as a friend on your main fb account, but is still there on your newer one. Hmmm... what's up with that?

Anyway, I don't know what her problem is, but how can anyone not love you? Yeah, sometimes people might be busy and take a day or three or whatever to get back to you, and maybe they will be so busy or preoccupied that they forget. But this is beyond typical. She's going out of her way to be rude.

It sucks that you still have to be around her at work when she's like this. I hate girl drama!!! Thank you for not being a drama-rama girlfriend :P


miafedup June 13 2010, 23:11:38 UTC
I actually thought of you, Sarah! So thank YOU for being a cool, drama-free girlfriend, too! :) (Actually I don't ever have trouble with girlfriends. It's just coworkers. Something about women working together brings out the worst in them ( ... )


purplesquirrel June 14 2010, 03:49:44 UTC
I don't know the nature of the work you do, but for most places, you needn't be friends with your coworkers. Interact just enough to get your work done and keep your real friendships outside of the workplace.


miafedup June 14 2010, 18:31:35 UTC
Yea, completely agree. I keep having to remind myself of this. Thanks for the timely reminder!


bart_calendar June 14 2010, 03:51:38 UTC
A fair number of women in professional jobs these days work on the side as escorts. Could that be what she's doing and is she worried that you might have figured it out and that's why she's shutting you down?


miafedup June 14 2010, 18:51:28 UTC
I'm not sure. Could be, the thought did occur to me that she is hiding something. So I think you make a good point.



fizzyland June 14 2010, 04:59:33 UTC
Honestly, I'd suggest insulating co-workers from fb or anywhere else you might feel like being honest.

I've known women like her - and had friends with "friends" like her. Danger! Not to be trusted and fundamentally selfish enough to drop seemingly close friends until the floor falls out beneath her and then she'll cycle back and be all sweetness & light. Unless you let on that you're on to her, like the guys who dump her and block her number.


miafedup June 14 2010, 21:01:47 UTC
Yea, god, that is so right. It does seem to cycle around again and I'm dreading that.

I appreciate your fb advice as well. I'm still trying to sort that one out! I'd love to completely divorce myself from all work people, truth be known.


fizzyland June 15 2010, 05:45:39 UTC
I find FB plagued with high school people I never have kept up with along with all sorts of people mainly that also have gmail accounts. I much prefer livejournal, because everyone I've friended is because I've chosen to - and there's no relatives, no one from work, no deadbeats from high school, etc.


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